I sank deeper into the front seat of my car, hiding my face in hands, letting all the gates of my emotions go, along with all the stress, sadness and tears.
I'm a wreck, a disappointment. No achievements in my studies, no plan for my future- a high level job which would make me tons of money and secure me a comfortable life. I happened to be a nervous wreck, totally unable to control my stress before the gigs we had with the band. Simply- I just couldn't. Taking shots before every show isn't a solution, I admitted to myself finally. I didn't see any way of solving this problem. I had no idea what could help. This couldn't go on for long. I can't keep on doing this every show- the band would notice, I would destroy my health, i would eventually get so drunk I wouldn't be able to play. And what if one day, it wouldn't work? Well, that's not all. Snogging different girls every night, breaking their hearts, forcing them to cheat on their loving boyfriends, destroying their relationships. Even if I wanted, I could never keep a relationship longer than for a week. And in fact- I did. I did want a girlfriend. Someone. Anyone. Anyone who could be there for me, when I needed them.
I was so lonely.

I cowered on the seat, my face wet from all the tears, but new ones still came. I was shaking uncontrollably, goosebumps all over my skin as I was freezing.
I needed help. Please. Please. Anyone. Anyone around, any single soul who would give a minute of their time for me.

The name, the person, flashed through my head. I opened my eyes, sitting up straight, hope immediately filling me up.
Brian. He would help. He was the only one. He said he will always be here for me. And I believed him. He cared about me. He understood. He was the one who could help.

A wide smile appeared on my face as I started the engine and began driving towards Brian's flat.

Brian's P.O.V.

"So Esther, are you from around here? Or have you moved in lately?" I asked the beautiful blonde girl, walking along me on the pavements of morning London streets.
"I moved in about a month ago. I'm studying here. Pedagogy."
"Oh really?" I raised my eyebrows with a smile. "You are going to be a teacher? That's amazing!"
"It is! I will be teaching the youngest, elementary kids. I hope they won't drive me mad after only a month," she replied with a small giggle, and I joined her, chuckling at her joke.
"What about you?" She was interested.
"I'm also not from around here. Studying astrophysics."
Her lips parted in an 'o' in shock and admire, as she stopped, staring at me in disbelief.
"Are you joking?"
"No, I'm not," I laughed, and shook my head.
"That's just- so incredible! I don't know anyone who does that! It must be so hard!" She couldn't believe her ears, her innocent chattering making me blush a little.
"It is, very," I admitted with a shrug of my shoulders. "But so long I'm handling it. Let's just hope I will make it all the way to the end."
"I'm sure you will," she smiled at me.
"Thank you. Well I'm sure you will be a perfect teacher," I commented.
"I hope so," she chuckled. "Since when do you play guitar? Are you in any band or anything?"
"Since I was a kid. Quite a long time. And yes, I am. We got together about a month ago," I explained. "Queen. I don't think you heard of us yet."
"Oh, yes I did! My friend was at one of your shows. She said you were great!"
"Then that's amazing," I grinned.
"Where do you perform next? Can I come to see you?"
"Of course you can," I assured her, excited and so happy that she asked, That she really will come. "But I'm not really sure where we will play next."
"Well I ca-"
Her speech was interrupted by a bell, announcing the time. 7 in the morning sharp. I was startled, I didn't realize so much time went by.
"Oh my god!" She gasped when she heard the bell. "It's 7! So late!" She looked worried, bringing her hand up to her hair. "My school starts in an hour. I'm afraid I have to go!"
"It's alright," I tried to calm her down with a smile, although I felt terribly sad and discouraged by the fact we both had to go. I also had to go to school. "I have to go as well."
"Will you be here tomorrow?" She Asked, looking into my eyes hopefully.
"I will. As I always am."
"Great! We can go for a walk again tomorrow."
My heart started beating faster, warming me up, bringing redness on my cheeks.
"That would be amazing!"
"For now-," stage stuttered, shoving her hair behind her ear shyly. "I-I can give you my number, so that you can call me when you will be performing next with your band."
"Oh, please do, my sweet Esther," escapes my lips with a smile, and I only hoped that she would take it as a joke so that I would seem to awkward. She only smiled and blushed in response, taking a pen out of her bag and quickly scribbling a number on my hand.
When she was finished, she stepped away for a bit, staring into the ground, waiting nervously.

"So... I guess, I'll have to go," she said sadly, clenching her fists.
"It was lovely meeting you Esther," I offered my hand to her. She looked up with a smile, eyes glistening, looking at me, as she accepted my hand and shook it.
"You too Brian."
"I can't wait to see you again."
"Me too," she smiled.

Suddenly, the whole world stopped. Everything around was gone, it was only the two of us, staring into each other's eyes, not moving a single muscle, her hand still laying in mine. My smile slowly faded away as well as hers. But she still didn't pull away. Now it was just her big bright glistening eyes, looking up at me dream fully, her soft pink lips parted.

My heart beating fast and blood pounding in my veins, seeming to black out my mind and not allow me to think properly at that very moment, I slowly, very slowly, inch by inch leaned down.
She didn't pull away.
I brought up my hand, and softly placed it in on her chin.
She didn't pull away.
I could hear her shaky breaths, I could smell her perfume.

I kissed her.

Again: dOnt wORry it rEalLY is a mAYlOr fanFiC

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