"What did you guys do during those six hours?" Skye asked. Even without looking up, he could picture her smirk. "Explore your gay side, like I advised you?"

Annoyed, he looked up.

"Wow, chill out dude." She raised her hands in surrender. "I was just joking man. What the fuck is wrong with you today? Were those few hours in the elevator that horrible? You haven't said a word about it."

Sighing, he ran a hand across his Mohawk. He didn't even know what was holding him back. This was Mouse. He used to tell her everything.

"He was a Mayan."

Her eyes went wide, the plate filled with macaroni almost slipped off her lap. "What? Holy shit dude. Did he hurt you? Threaten you?"

"No. He was... cool. At first it was fucking awkward and he was holding off any conversation. But then I was having a panic attack and he... he helped me through it. He gave me a Rubik's Cube."

She clapped her hands. "That is so fucking cute! Introduce me to him, I need to date that guy!"

"Because he gave me a Rubik's Cube?" he asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Exactly! That's so thoughtful and attentive! Attentive bikers are a rarity." She showed him a wide grin. "Or was he some old grampy?"

"No, he's just a little older than me."

"Was he hot?"

"Jeez – how would I know?"

"What do you mean, how would I know? You got eyes, don't you? And you had plenty of time to look at him."

"I don't know what you consider to be attractive."

"Oh c'mon dude, you know that damn well. I always tell you how I grade guys."

"I guess you would've liked him. But you're not going to date a Mayan, Mouse."

"That was never our deal. No Sons – we never talked about other clubs."

"Well, we've talked about it now." Rolling his eyes, he focused his attention on the TV.

"Okay sorry, I'm teasin' you," Skye said, as she realized something was really bothering him. "What is it, baby?" She slid towards him, pulled his plate off his lap and took his hands in hers, like she always did when she wanted to turn all her attention to him. "Just tell me what's on your mind."

Juice bent his head and stared at their laced fingers. "Well... We've talked for hours, also about serious shit. There was just this click..." He sighed. "It's just... If we hadn't been in different MC's, I think we would have hung out. We could have become friends. Good friends you know, like you and me. It kinda felt like that time I met you, I just knew we would become close. He gave me that same feeling. And I just... don't experience that a lot. You're the only one I dare to be myself around, you know, to show the real me and not just the tough and sometimes funny biker Juice, and I had this feeling I could be myself around him too."

"Hmm..." Mouse crossed her legs underneath her. "Yeah... that sucks. Sacrificing a potential close friend for the club. And it really wouldn't work, huh?"

"Don't think so," he muttered. "Because of our clubs, our priorities will always differ." He studied his fingernails. "I dunno. It's just the thought that I might never talk to him again, that's leaving me with a pit in my stomach."

"That feeling will fade. You'll feel disappointed now, but within a few days you won't even think about that guy anymore." Skye dropped her head against his shoulder. Juice gave her a slight smile, kissing her temple. "And if I'm wrong and you still prohibit me from dating him... well then you should date him yourself."

Juice felt his cheeks flush, as he thought back to that strange feeling he felt, right before he left the elevator. No – it made no fucking sense. He wasn't interested in guys, he never had been. It had just been a sudden longing for a close friendship, nothing more and nothing less. "You're a horrible matchmaker."

"I'm not! You're just boring, never tryin' something new." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "A life without risks is boring, Hun."

"My whole life is one big risk," he grunted, slumping down on the couch. "Especially when I live with you. Come on, go clean that cushion."

With a grin she got up, snatching the cushion away from his feet and headed for the kitchen. Juice glanced at his food one more time, but he still wasn't hungry. Instead, he stared at the TV screen, seeing nothing.

It didn't take long before Raine slipped into his thoughts again, making him wonder if he would ever see the guy again – and under what circumstances it would be.

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