Chapter 27! & AUTHOR NOTE

Start from the beginning

Yesterday was hard, the pain was bad but I coped till the very end. That it what I will do today!

It was 8:42am; I didn't feel like eating, I know my stomach can't handle it. Anyway, they say, if you feel like puking, you shouldn't eat because all you eat is what you will puke out. Yeah, I'm sure I read that somewhere. I sat down on the sofa, towel drying my hair. Not even a week ago, I came to Australia, I broke up with my bf, I smashed my phone I had the time of my life with my best friend, I got ill. Wow! Life is running faster than ever before. As it is racing faster, I don't want to miss a single second of it!

I didn't realise I was dosing off, till I heard the doorbell ring frantically. I opened my eyes, and soon realised where I was and raced to open the door, my stomach still aching with pain. As I walked to the door, I removed my arm from my stomach, as I didn't want anyone to think I was 'in need of VIP attention' or anything And opened the door with a big smile. Through the door, barged in first Jenna then Leah and Nicole, followed by Eric and at least 6 other people carrying all sorts of equipment and bags. I closed the door and saw Leah unpacking my clothes and shoes and Nicole finding a socket for the hair tools. My stomach was killing me and half of me wanted to shout 'Stop!' but I couldn't find the heart to do that. Eric was sitting on the sofa looking closely at some sheet music. Leah looked at me and said 'You alright Ari??' I looked at her, began to stutter then said 'Yeah, Of Course! Why wouldn't I be?' She came closer to me and caringly asked 'Are you sure?' I gave her a confidant nod and sat down on the sofa, waiting for the girls to start getting me ready.

Jai's POV

I walked through the door the flung opened door and opened the kitchen cabinet and pulled out what I was looking for. YES! I found them, I had this instant craving for them this morning when I got up! I grabbed some my phone and sat at the table, munching away whist replying to Tweets. I saw Ariana had new tweets but nothing from today, a bit unusual. I decided to text her to see if she was okay. I typed 'Hey u alright?' and of course inserted a confused emoji. Ari and Me have had this emoji thing we always use emoji's in our messages, we just always have and always will.

Suddenly, Luke walked through the door, in his blue pjs' they were aqua blue with dogs all over them. He looked at me completely oblivious of my presence, and continued to yawn and stretch his way to the fridge. Then all of a sudden walked a few steps back and looked at me again, closely, this time completely confused. 'Why are you eating 'Fibre Flakes....You hate Fibre Flakes! And why are you up soo early!... You hate getting up any time before noon! And you are showered and changed! Who are you! And What have you done with Jai' He looked serious and was skimming my eyes, desperately for answers.

I finished swallowing and began to talk. 'One, I hate fibre flakes, only if they have figs in them, these ones are 100% figless and have raisins instead. Two! I have work today so that's why I'm up early. And Three! As I'm going to work, I need to go looking half decent' Even though, I explained my reasons he still looked confused and continued yawning and stretching his was to the fridge. I decided to confront him about Skye. 'Luke' I hollered, 'Answer me honestly. What do you think of Skye?' Immediately his head flung around as he walked back towards me. 'Skye?' He asked

I nodded.

He continued 'I think she is nice, she has these eyes and this stunning smile and she loves video games'

I then asked 'Do you like-like her?'

His eyes grew alarmed 'Um I don't know, well maybe, I think so...Wait! Do you?'

After a momentary stutter I said 'No, I just saw something between you two yesterday, something special'

A smile grew on his face. 'Seriously?' He seemed shocked.

'I think you and her have a lot of potential?' I said genuinely. I actual believed they did.

He smiled as he went back into the kitchen, this time with a lot more enthusiasm. Now all I had to do is figure out if Skye is interested as much as Luke is then boom! The love master has struck again!

I wouldn't be surprised if one day me and Luke become the next 'Drake and Josh'. We used to always watch that as kids! And we still do!

I finished my figless cereal and dumped the dishes in the sink, and made my way to the door, where after some debate chose to wear my amazing, most spectacular Adidas trainers. These were the best. They were shiny black leather with white and red zig-zag lines on the sides. were heavenly! I put on my grey khaki jacket. Actually, It was Beau's but I wear it more than him so technically It's mine. I looked at my phone. 9:00 am, half an hour till my shift. In this time, I could get to work and maybe grab a smoothie on the way. I grabbed my keys and shut the door behind me.

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