"What did you call me? Little girl? Why don't you listen! I may look like it, but I'm actually way older than you think. In the first place, why is a demon even doing here? Trying to gather information?" <???>

When Adolf heard her say that, he was surprised. How did she manage to uncover his identity so easily. It's like she has the same ability as Shin.

"Wha-!? How!? How did you know!?" <Adolf>

Adolf was on high alert of the girl.

"The moment I saw you, I could already tell. You even gave off an evil aura compared to the humans living here. I'm very perceptive to such things. It's my nature." <???>

"What are you..." <Adolf>

Adolf became curious of her. Suddenly, someone finally came to greet them. It was Iris.

"Oh! Kaguya... San, right? Have you finally decided on your answer?" <Iris>

"In a way, yes. But, I would like to confirm a few things with him. And also... Her." <Kaguya>

"Shana-Sama also? Alright. And..." <Iris>

After done talking to Kagura, Iris turned to look at the other person waiting at the gate. When she realised who it was, she was very surprised.

"W-What are you doing here!? Are you here to fight Shin-Sama again!? If you are then don't bother! Shin-Sama isn't interested to fight a weakling like you! If you're unwilling to leave, I will fight you!" <Iris>

Iris became wary of Adolf.

"I'm not here to fight! I'm here to relay a message from my master. Didn't he tell me to send a message to my master? Then what I'm gonna say is my master's reply." <Adolf>

"Is that so? Alright, but don't dare to try anything here. Shin-Sama won't give you a second chance anymore." <Iris>

"You don't have to tell me that. I'm fully aware of it." <Adolf>

Iris opened the gate and let both Kagura and Adolf in. They then entered the mansion, and Iris brought them to the meeting room on the first floor. Iris then urged them to sit on the sofa first.

"Wait here. I will call Shin-Sama and Shana-Sama here." <Iris>

Iris left the two of them.

"Who are you exactly? From how you conduct yourself, you don't seem to be an ordinary person. You even know I'm a demon. And more than that, you look awfully familiar." <Adolf>

"Familiar? Hah! You must be thinking about my sister. She does resemble me exactly, except for our different colour." <Kaguya>

"Sister...?" <Adolf>

Adolf tried to think hard about her identity from that clue she said.

"You don't mean-!" <Adolf>

Adolf finally manage to remember who she looked like. The person that she closely resembles was the girl that was with Shin when they left the cave. That same girl was the one who wasn't with them when they entered, but suddenly together when they left. Shin then introduced her to be the Legendary Cursed Sword. With that answer alone, he could already guess who this other girl that holds the same appearance. It was non other than the counterpart to the Legendary Cursed Sword. The Legendary Divine Sword.

"Are you saying that you're also Shin's sword!? Have you gotten interested in him just because your sister is with him!?" <Adolf>

To Adolf's cries, Kaguya just gave a blank expression. Showing that she won't tell what her plans is.

"Think whatever you want. I have no reason to tell you. You're not important." <Kaguya>

Adolf felt defeated when he was called unimportant.

"Oh? You two are surprisingly close." <???>

The person that interrupted their conversation was Shin. Behind him was Shana and Iris.

Shin and Iris had returned from their meeting with Fortuneprise. Shin was gonna talk to Layla about why he met with Harold, but when he got home and was told of such news, he got a little mad. For someone to hurt someone that Shin cared, that person really wants to die. Shin regretted that he did not inflict any pain at Harold. He should have thought that Layla was probably protecting someone that he is close with, considering that Layla only recently got to know with people inside the mansion. Shin hated himself for being ignorant. Focusing on the more important matter, he quickly checked on Maya's condition. Luckily it wasn't that serious. She was already fully healed by Shana and was resting. Shin apologised to Misomi for letting her mother get injured, even after he promised to take care of them. Of course Misomi didn't blame Shin, only saying that it was her mother's on fault for being stubborn. Nonetheless, Shin swear that such thing don't happen again.

Walking into the room, Shin sat on the sofa opposite, with Shana and Iris on each side.

"So, Kaguya. What's your answer?" <Shin>

"You more or less can guess what my answer is. But before I tell you, can I talk privately with her?" <Kaguya>

Kaguya looked at Shana as she said that.

"Sure. Shana, bring her to the other room, can you?" <Shin>

"Sure thing. I'm looking forward to whatever you have to discuss with me." <Shana>

Shana lead Kaguya out of the room, and to another room to talk.

"Iris, can you call Layla over? Once you do that, help out Misomi with taking care of Maya-San." <Shin>

Layla? Can't be her...

Adolf erased such thoughts.

"Alright." <Iris>

Iris did not question Shin why he didn't want her being there. She had already guessed that her husband is scheming something. And with her own knowledge, she can already guess that it had something to do with both their origin. Iris left swiftly.

Once Iris left the room, Shin finally focused his attention to the other guest.

"So, what is your master's reply?" <Shin>

Adolf prepared himself before he began relaying his master's words.

"Going straight to the point, master wishes to form an alliance with you."

"Hmm... Interesting..." <Shin>

Shin was very satisfied with that reply. It was what he thought it would be. There was no avoiding the chance to gather strong chess piece. Especially when you know they can gurantee you a checkmate.

Adolf waited in anticipation for Shin's response. But instead of his voice, a different voice was heard.

"Shin...? You called for me?" <???>

The voice of that person was Layla. She slowly opened the door and called to Shin. She did not know why she was suddenly asked to join the meeting with the guest. She should not be acquainted with anyone other than those living inside this mansion. Her interaction with others outside are close to none. So she shouldn't be invited to talk with a guest, since she won't be of much help. But nonetheless, if it was Shin's request, she shouldn't question it.

When she entered, after looking at Shin, she turned her eyes to look at who the guest was. Their eyes met, and both processed their appearance.

"Princess?" <Adolf>

"Eh? Adolf... Kun?" <Layla>

Adolf was in disbelief at who he saw. As for Layla, she was surprised to see a very familiar face.

Author's Notes:
(Hehehe~ Y'all should know what's coming...:)

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