Chapter 20

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Friends and family watched as I walked down the white material path with the outline of pale rose petals towards Carter, I wasn't usually into dresses, or the girly stuff, but I felt like a princess, walking down to the oohs and ahhs of the crowd nothing or nobody was going to ruin this, I looked to my right, my dad, smiling widely at me as he lead me to the front, suddenly my good feeling disappeared, "Carter.." I whispered he wouldn't turn to look at me "do you Rebecca take him to be your lawful wedded husband?" "I....I do" "and do you take Rebecca to be you lawfully wedded wife" "I do" that wasn't Carter, "you may now kiss the bride" he turned to face me "Robert?!" I stepped back but got held by my dad, who was still smiling widely his eyes watering, I noticed his cheeks were pinned up, he wasn't happy...he was crying "Come on wifey, look at me, you're mine forever" his face was burnt badly, as he took my hand he lead me down the aisle, everyone sat down was in fire, their screaming echoing around in my ears "sorry...but I don't think this is gong to work out" Robert faced me, without any hesitation held a gun and shot me "NOO....

OOOOO" I sat up straight on the side of Carter's hospital bed, he was still asleep, I searched my body, no gun shot, and no wedding ring on my finger, I laid back down "I need you to wake up..." I kissed his cheek gently and stayed there, looking at his closed eyes, wondering when they'd open, he suddenly started to move, his head rolled to face me, his eyes, slowly but surely began to open I kissed him hard against his lips, but he pulled away "am I dead?" "Hey there!" He looked at me "do I know you?" "Carter?" I smiled as I tilted my head "you're not my nurse?" He searched my face "Carter...I'm being's me" "my name is Carter?" He looked at me "really?" I stood up straight as tears threatened to fall "I'm just kidding, I remember you Bertha" he hauled himself up the bed "don't call me Bertha! That wasn't funny, I'm going to punch you in your knife hole" He laughed as I sat on the chair "oh yeah. Well that sounds vaguely dirty...why did you scream?" "Huh?" "You literally screamed in my ear" "sorry" I ran my fingers through m put hair "it's fine...bad dream?" "Something like that" I nodded as a male nurse came in "excuse me! Can I see an identity badge please" he nodded and showed me "okay" I let him past.

Carter was asleep, and his jelly looked tasty, I grabbed it, with the spoon and started to nibble on it " I was going to eat that" I turned to him, the spoon still in my mouth "it's been sitting there for hours" "I like to let my jelly breath" I took another big mouthful before putting it down "mmmm big baby" "I got stabbed..." "Me too...well the fact you remember that is progress in a Bizaro kind of way" I laughed as I crossed my leg, "Bizaro?" "Yeah, as in Superman's evil opposite" I shrugged it off as nothing "I know who he do YOU know who he is?" Carter sat up "my dads comic book collection" "I got my own...DC and Marvel" I looked at him "you still got yours?" "Of course" I replied instantly "me too" a huge smile grew on my face as he smiled back "cool"

I grabbed Carter's bags and limped out the hospital with Carter in arm, "I can't drive, you're going to have to" "you mean...I get to drive my OWN car!?" "My leg will heal...don't get used to it" I smiled as I got in the car, "so where are we going?" "Home?" He smiled as he pulled out of the hospital "you going to tell me what your dream was about?" He looked at me for a split second before back to the road "no" "why?" I sighed heavily "because you'll get all protective over me and I won't be able to leave the house" "just tell me" "I got married to Robert, and his face was burnt and then everyone else was and then he shot me and I don't wanna marry Robert I wanna marry you..." I said extremely quickly "right....I think I got that Bertha, well we both know it's impossible to get married to Robert...he's dead" "but is he?" "Becca listen to're stressed you've been through a lot...let's get home, look at wedding stuff watch a few films and snuggle in bed?" He looked at me as we pulled up to the traffic lights "sounds good" I sighed heavily again "Becca stop worrying...I'll protect you, and if not, Harry and everyone would, you are perfectly safe" he kissed me, passionately. Unaware of the now green light our kiss broke apart by the honking of horns behind us.

We were snuggled up, I had magazines surrounding me different venues, dresses, grooms...I'd found a *top 25 hottest male celebs* list, I'd managed to mark snog, marry and avoid on every single one of them, "okay number 23...Channing Tatum" "snog....definitely snog" I answered Carter scribbled down "okay..2....tough one...Ian Somerhalder" I looked at him thoughtfully "snog" I nodded once for him to move on "number 1...Zac Efron" "snog, shag, marry EVERYTHING!" Carter looked at me with raised eyebrows "what?" "Zac're kidding me?" "Not in the slightest..." "Little high school musical fan huh?" He smirked as he scribbled something down "now...last questions...what about me?" "Avoid...avoid at ALL costs" I smiled as he leant forward, swiped all the magazines onto the floor and crawled on top of me "avoid me huh?" He kissed into my neck as he started to hum something "are you singing high school musical?" He lifted his head up "wild cats everywhere, raise your hands up in the air" he sang as he shimmied his hands up my shirt and unhooked my bra...I turned my head and saw the magazine open, he had drawn moustaches on every single one of the men, "moustache fetish huh?" I raised his head from my stomach "what?" I lifted the magazine up "yeah...why do you think I love you so much!" He went back to kissing my stomach as I slapped him over the head "OW!" He nipped near my navel with his teeth sending me into a fit of giggles.

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