Chapter 9

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"Dude you ready?!" I shouted up the stairs Carter came down slowly...every step seemed to be a struggle "we are going to be late" "no we ain't!! We have plenty of time!" "We have 5 minutes" I folded my arms "ahhhh crap" he ran upstairs and this in the lifeguard uniform we were given. He walked down stairs and we began to walk down to the beach, it was hot, not too hot but a lot warmer then America! As we were walking last some bushes I heard a rustling noise, "oh god what's that?!" I hid behind Carter's arm I didn't do wildlife, something hopped out " can probably smell fear" Carter laughed as I peered over his shoulder, a ginger cat was sat in front of him "shut up...I'm fine" I straightened up as w walked towards the long golden beach.

We arrived at the lifeguarding tower, weren't sure what to expect, "ah welcome! You must be the newbies! I'm ryan clark most call me whippet here, that's Harries, maxi, itchy, mouse and Harrison" "I'm Becca and this is john" I smiled as he shook my hand before Carter's, "we can't wait for you to start the job! Have you got your uniforms yet?" "No" I smiled he as gorgeous! "Right follow me" his eyes, smile, chest..."he's married" Carter whispered in my ear, way to ruin a moment whippet have us the uniform and pointed to a changing room. I already had a bikini on so I pulled up my 'boardies' as they called them and the shirt and pulled my hair into a messy bun it looked over at Carter "why are you staring at me?" "Just trying to figure out where you hid your gun?" "Can you do it without staring?" "You are carrying it right?" "Of course I am w" "where?!" Whippet walked in "you look great! Do you want to come with me to set up the flags?" We nodded quickly smiling and followed him outside, "stop staring!".

We continued to help during the rest of the day, managing....I managed to keep from the water, Carter wasn't so lucky, near the end we walked over to Harry and eric "anything?" "Not yet, we've been given some new information about the murdered, they're well built, tall, but they weren't killed by drowning, they were injected with a solution with runs through the bloodstream straight to he heart stopping it" "what's in ether solution" "we don't know yet, we've sent samples to ops" "keep Us posted!" I smiled and walked back to the tower.

"Hey guys! After work we well this is maxi's idea but we are going to go to a spooky ghost reader person thing" Harrison smiled at me "a seance" I looked at him "yeah! Would you like to come with us thought it may be a. Nice way to get to know each other?" I looked at Carter "I'm in" he smiled happily he'd do anything "who else is going?" "Erm....whip, harries, maxi, me, Carter, Jesse, and hopefully you?" He pointed his fingers at me, I didn't do ghosts, I believed yes but I also believed that once someone had died, they would want to be left alone...haunt to their hearts content if they wanted to but the whole contact thing..."fine" I looked at Carter who smiled at me "it's just a bit of fun!" He punched my arm lightly...

That night we walked down to the tower where the boys were, "wow you scrub up well!" Maxi stared at me, I had a black dress with heels, makeup and hair was straight "cheers..." I smiled looking down "right here's harries with the lift" a minibus appeared harries jumped out, we all climbed in, Carter gave me a pull as I was struggling in the dress, "you don't like this do you?" "Nope..." "Why?" "Because it's all a lie! They're messing with people lives..." "Some people find it comforting..." "They might do..I don't" "so why did you come?" "Someone had to baby sit you" I smirked at him as we drove along in the dark.

We arrived in the room, it was red with gold curtains and a woman sat in a chair at the front as we sat down the lights went low and some seriously ridiculous music began to play "oh this is ridiculous" I hissed as I folded my arms, the woman stood up and began to speak "I am here to help the dead to speak, they'll talk through me, let's begin....." She sat down on the chair and began to pull funny expressions shaking her body every now and again "you're believing this?" I leant towards Carter "it's a bit of fun" he laughed quietly I sighed and continued watching, "I have....I'm being told a name....", "a name!!! Well imagine the fingers of this ghost crawling over your bare shoulders" Carter ran his cold fingers over my right shoulder "there is already one dead person in here....wanna make it two?!" He moved his hand quickly, The woman started to rock "George...George Talbot, George can you tell me why you are here?" She stood up dramatically and waited for an 'answer' "you have come to speak your truth...what truth?" Every one was leaning in slightly "truth about your death? What happened.." She walked around holding her head "I'm getting were murdered?" She hesitated "Becca?" Carter turned to me but I was making my way towards the door, "excuse me" I whispered as I held my bag in one hand, hair from my face with the other, "thank you" I said to the last one as I made my way to the doors.

I stood there leaning on the railings, the gentle breeze drifting through my hair, "Becca?" I felt fingers touch my arm "god you're freezing!" I felt a jacket wrap around me "go back inside...I just needed a minute" I sniffed "are you crying?" He placed a hand on my shoulder "no..." Another tear fell "what's wrong?" He came and stood next to me "I'm fine" I sniffed wiping my nose with a tissue "I know..." He nodded as he stepped closer to me "who told her all of that?" I still looked out at the moon shining on the ocean "told her what?" "All that about George Talbot" Carter turned to look at me "I don't understand" "he was my granddad..." I turned to look at him, my cheeks glistened with water "was he.." "Yeah" I breathed in deeply " wanna talk about it?" "I was 15..and staying at my grandparents house, they were only in their early 50s" Carter nodded at me, "well me and my brother heard arguing in the house, we knew my grandad was on the phone to my mother...then we heard a lot of slamming and then a gun shot followed by a scream" more tears fell "me and my brother ran inside and found my grandma huddled in a corner crying with a shot to her leg" I creased up and broke down "my grandad then turned to us, aiming the gun, we ran upstairs into their bedroom, my brother slammed the door shut quickly and locked it, he came over to me to protect me" Carter moved to hug me tightly "then grandad tried to shoot the door, he was aiming for the door handle, I frantically searched his drawers looking For something when I found another gun, it was loaded and as I picked it up he kicked the door down, and shot a shot, narrowly missing our heads, he came towards us and I just pulled the trigger" I sobbed "oh Becca..." I shook my head "I opened my eyes and found him there stood there looking at me with pure hate in his eyes, he had blood dripping down from his stomach and...and he still had the gun pointed at us I fired two more shots and watched as he fell to his knees" I buried my face in his chest as he comforted me "it was self defence Becca, you saved you and your brothers life" I nodded "I guess so....but that still happened when I was 15...I still tried to kill a family member, I used to look up at my grandad and think he was a hero, now all I remember of him is that look of pure hate...and...." "Okay shhhh,, you said tried?" "He didn't get wounded severely, the ambulance came and took over he got sentenced and put in prison for life, it wasn't until last year we heard he had been killed in prison " Becca shh don't talk about it"he stroked my head...

"Becca?" I heard a voice that wasn't Carter's, I turned my head, all the boys were stood there looking worried, I wiped my face quickly "are you okay?" Maxi walked up to me cautiously "uh huh, I guess it got a bit much" I sniffed "what happened?" I sucked my bottom lip "she just went on to say, something like, the spirit is happy that what happened happened, there was nothing else to be done" maxi began "but no! Three lives were saved by a decision, a good decision" harries added, I broke down in sobs again "I'm so sorry for crying!" I blubbed as I reached for a tissue "hey how about we go for a drink!?" Jesse stroked my arm, I nodded "yeah...sounds great" I smiled as we began to walk, I linked my arm with Carter's.

We arrived at a bar, we had a 'day off' the next day I was having a drink or two "what are we starting with?" I smiled looking at the menus "that bar tender has a soft spot for brunettes.... give you free drinks" I stood up and walked to the bar, "what can I get you?" A woman smiled surely she wasn't the bar tender they meant, she got me a mixture of shots and stoked my cheek as I picked up the tray, I put it down on the table "I thought it was a man?!" "Didn't think a WO-man would effect anything?" Carter was in stitches "well aren't you funny!?" I sat down and downed a shot and grabbed the next one "sharing?" Carter looked at me "no...these are my shots" I smiled as I took another, after the seconds I felt sick I passed the people tray around, then I saw an air hockey machine "Carter!" I jumped up and ran over, putting in a coin, the air began to blow through the tiny holes Carter grabbed a paddle, he had his fingers over the edges "out your fingers inside the paddle" "can we get on with this?" He looked at me "alright" I shrugged, I placed the puck and hit it with hit his fingers and she jumped around in pain "I said...put your fingers inside the paddle!" "Shit! Okay okay!" We played I won, then I saw a pool table! "Go on!" Carter sighed I put in a coin and the balls were released, we set up and Carter broke, I we to to bend down when I realised how much my dress would rise up, I wiggled my fingers Carter came over "hold my dress down please" he sighed and held onto the bottom tightly I got a few in before it was Carter's turn again I was stood sipping a coke who maxi leant in "are you two together?" "Who me and" I pointed to Carter "yeah" "oh god no!" I laughed and snorted after "you two seem pretty close" "I've just known him a while, I guess we are partner but not in that way...." "We are partners with privileges" Carter grinned at me "definitely not!" I shot him a glare as he took his next go.

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