Chapter 29

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"So... he came yesterday right?"

Taehyung chocked at his hot chocolate when Jin suddenly declared last night's scene.
He thought Jin might be sleeping at that time but he was feeling a quite nervous and shy that his brother knew about it.

"Well... yeah... he came."
Taehyung answered after he drank the water Jin gave him.

"Why did he come in the midnight again? He could've just stay here if he had to come again. Why did he---"

Jin was cut off when their doorbell rung.

"You finish your hot chocolate. I'll go and see."

Jin said as he got up from his chair seeing Taehyung was about to got up earning a nod from Taehyung.

"Uh..!! Why are you here again?"
Jin widen his eyes when he saw Jungkook standing in front of their gate in the very first morning.

"Well... ahmm... Taehyung..??"

"I know you're here for him so no need to say anything. Go inside, he's in kitchen."

Jin smirked after Jungkook shyly bowed at him and went inside.

"Hyung, who---"

Taehyung cut himself off with wide eyes when he saw Jungkook standing in front of him.
He recalled whatever happened or said last night with blushed taken over his cheeks. He suddenly felt nervous to even meet his eyes with him.

"Good morning baby."
Jungkook hugged him with a smile seeing the red blushed on his cheeks.
"You look so cute today."
He whispered at his ears.

"W-what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be going for your work now?"

Taehyung said as he brought his hands up to hug him back shyly as he felt Jungkook's warm breath over his ears.

"I'm going now. Just wanted to start my day after seeing your face."

Jungkook broke the hug with his arms still around his small waist and pecked his forehead making the other a blushing mess.


Jin suddenly let out a fake cough making Taehyung to push Jungkook away suddenly and tried to look somewhere else nervously.

"Are you two dating already?"

Jin asked raising his eyebrows with arms crossed.



Both of them replied at the same time and again looked at each other with wide eyes on their own answers.

"So... a 'No' for Taehyung and a 'yes' for you? What does that mean?"

"We're not."
Taehyung said with a pout.

"Not yet."
Jungkook corrected with a smirk earning a glare from Taehyung which was too cute to be called as a glare.

"Ok whatever... if you two are going to date each other then you should do it fast. Those cute pecks and warm words are too cute to handle for my eyes and ears."

"Hyung...!! Aishh..."

Jin didn't even cared to listen Taehyung's whines and rolled eyes as he went upstairs after giving a thumbs up to Jungkook leaving the two alone.

"Yah..! Who said we're dating? Why did you say yes?"
Taehyung said with a pout as he crossed his arms.

"Aren't we..?"
Jungkook said with a pout imitating Taehyung's posture.

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