Chapter 22

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"What do you mean you don't want to..??"

Jungkook's father raised his eyebrows as he kept the newspaper he was holding on the table in front of him.

Jungkook was sitting with his head down next to his mother who was looking at him with concern noticing her husband raising his voice.

"Jungkook-ah, see... your wedding is in 3 days and you haven't even get along with her till now. They just want to have a meal with you", Jungkook's mother patted Jungkook's shoulder who kept his head down being unable to meet his eyes with his father's burning eyes.

"When did you become like this Jungkook..?? You've never been like this before."
Jungkook's father got up from his seat causing Jungkook to flinch a bit.
"You try to convince him. I've already agreed to Mr. Lee that we are coming. Don't try to put my neck on the line."

Mr. Jeon stormed out of the living room leaving the mother and the son alone.

"Jungkook-ah... they just want to have a meal with you so that you'll get to know them more. They adore you so much. You know they treat you like their own child. And see... you're going to be their son-in-law, obviously they'll want to meet you."

"Eomma... it's not like that... I just---"

"Nothing will happen. If you're nervous, then me and your appa will be there with you. We'll just go and talk with them ok... So let's go if don't want your father to get embarrass in front of Mr. Lee. Ok?"
His mother tried her best to convince him to which Jungkook could just sigh and nodded his head.


"Aigoo... I didn't even realized how grown up he is... just look at him.. haha... Eat more Jungkook..."
Mr. Lee was smiling and telling the maids to give the meat to Jungkook who just shook his head to the maid not to give him more.

The two families were sitting together with the grand huge dinning table.

"I can't believe my daughter is going to be in Jeon's family in just 3 days... I can't be more happy to have your son as my son-in-law Mrs. Jeon"
Mrs. Lee stated with a smile while a teardrop skipped from her eyes.

"Eomma please..."
Doori shyly tapped her mother's side arms slightly blushing out of embarrassment with her mother's words.

"Aigoo... look at her... getting all shy... It's ok... You'll be my daughter in 3 days",
Jungkook's mother smiled at her who shyly returned the smile.

Everybody sitting in the room were talking with each other excitedly about the wedding ceremony which will be held in just 3 days. The two fathers started talking about merging their companies after the marriage.

Everybody looked cheerful and happy except for Jungkook who was sitting quitely with his head down. He couldn't even concentrate anything of their conversations. Whole of his mind was occupied by a particular person he had been missing for all these time.
After he got back from Taehyung's house, Jin's words had been echoing on his ears. He had stopped contacting Taehyung thinking it was the only way to let him live without any worries unaware of the fact that he actually regret doing that. He wanted to see him, he wanted to know how he might be doing. The more he tried to ignore his thoughts of him, he missed him even more.

He could only think about what he could do for Taehyung to make him happy. The more he think about it, the desire of him wanting to be the only reason of Taehyung's smile grew beyond its limit.

He suddenly stood up from his chair making everyone stopped their conversations and giving him all their attentions with confused eyes.

Jungkook let out a big sigh and spoke up with his head down.
"Appa... eomma... I... I want to say something."

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