Chapter 13

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"Can we meet now?"

"What..?? N-now..??

"Yes... I'll come there".

"No-no... I can just say it here--- hello...! Jeon Jungkook-ssi..?? Woahh... What was that..?"
Jungkook already cut the call leaving a confused Taehyung.

Taehyung was not sure if Jungkook will surely come or not. He checked the time and it was already 11:40pm.

"Was he annoyed that he faced the problem because of me? What if he want to cancel my work too?"
While Taehyung's mind was stirred up with thoughts, he got an another call from Jungkook. He took a deep breath and picked it up.

"I'm in front of your house. Can you come out...?"

"Already..??" Taehyung jumped down from his bed and ran towards the window and open the curtains. He could see Jungkook standing in front of the gate bending his back towards his car who looked up by his window and smiled at him when their eyes met. Jungkook waved his hand at Taehyung while his other hand was still holding phone by his ear.

"Wait a second ok", Taehyung smiled at him and closed the curtain quickly. He didn't understand why his heart was beating so fast when he saw Jungkook with his glowing eyes in the moonlight mixed with those dimmed street lights.

Taehyung ran down the stairs quietly without making any sound that could wake up his sleeping brother.
He opened the gate slowly to find a smiling Jungkook who came forward near him.

"What are you doing here at this hour?"

"You said you have something to say right?"

"Yeah but I didn't told you to come here. We could have just talk on the phone itself".

"Shall I go then?"

"NO..!!" Taehyung shouted suddenly making Jungkook to chuckled at his cute expression. "Ah... I mean... we ca--"

"Shall we go somewhere and talk?" Jungkook cut him off with a smile.

"Now?" Taehyung looked at himself. He was in his simple oversized white T-shirt with a loose comfortable grey pants, "With this?"

"So what?"

"I can't... I'll go and change first".
Taehyung was about to go inside again but Jungkook grabbed his tiny wrist suddenly.

"No need... (because I can't wait for you any longer... or else I'll miss you again...) It's ok... you look cute with that", Jungkook smiled at Taehyung who smiled shyly at him.

Jungkook opened his car door by the passenger seat and wait for Taehyung who was smiling at him. He motioned his eyes signing him to enter the car, "Shall we?"

Taehyung smiled and got in the car with a "Thank you" when Jungkook closed the door for him while his eyes still fixed on Taehyung with a smile.


"Where are we going Jeon Jungkook-ssi?" Taehyung asked as they began to drive along the street.

"I don't know. You tell me where do you wanna go?" Jungkook said with eyes still focusing on the road.

"Ok then... umm... what about Amusement park?" Taehyung's eyes got brighter as he excitedly turned his face towards Jungkook.

"What? Amusement park? Are you serious Kim Taehyung-ssi??" Jungkook turned his face towards Taehyung just to witness the most cutest box smile with cute nods.
"Hmm... Okay..." Jungkook couldn't even deny.

"YEAHHHH..!!" Taehyung screamed excitedly clapping his hands like a happy overexcited kid who just won a free candy...

Jungkook couldn't help himself from smiling seeing the other getting all excited in the cutest way ever. His cute oversized white T-shirt that looked too loose for his small frame with his hair being ruffled due to the cold breeze blowing from the window was adding a more adoring view.

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