Chapter 7

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Jungkook was working on some paper works when Hoseok came inside with a file on his hand. He casually entered inside without even caring to knock the door and thrown himself on Jungkook's couch with a big sigh.

"Yah..!! Should you be knocking the door before entering my room." He glared at Hoseok who was already in the verse of sleeping.

"Jungkook-ah... I'm so tired today so let me go early... oh..?? And..."
He turned his head towards Jungkook, "And why do I have to knock the door for entering my best friends room? It's not like you always knock my door when you entered my room." He rose up and sat with his arms crossed.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the glare the next person was giving for the whole 2 minutes.
"Hyung... Till when are you going to give me that glare?" Jungkook finally admitted that he was annoyed.

"Until you find me a girlfriend before you get married OR... treat me a meal". He was proud of himself with what he had just told forming a proud smile on his lips with eyes closed and tilted his chin slightly upwards.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and stood up from his chair keeping the papers on his hand back on his table.
"Ok.. ok... fine... let's go. I'll treat you the meal."

"Woah... Really...?? Are you serious..?" Hoseok widen his eyes in disbelieve. "Are you really going to treat me for a meal....?? For real...?? Woahhh... daebak..."
He dramatically dropped into his kness to the ground and raised his hand up in the air closing his eyes, "Woah... Hoseok-ah... you are really getting your dream of getting a meal treat from Jungkook fulfilled today after 2 months of intense worshipping. You've lived long and well..." He wiped out his invisible tears.

Jungkook rolled his eyes for the nth time at his friend's over dramatic acting.
"Are you coming with me now or still going to worship for another 2 months?" He said with a smirk and start walking away keeping his hands in his pocket.

Hoseok jumped up from the ground real quick and tried to follow his friend's quick pace. "Yahh..!!! Let's go together... Aish... this kid..."


Hoseok came inside with a file on his hand after he was called by Jungkook.
"------------ then... lastly, you have a meeting with Mr. Sung at 3:30pm for the next project with him... and... ah... that's all for today" Hoseok read out his schedule from the file.

"Ok then... thank you. You can go for now and please confirm the appointment with my wedding designer today after the meeting with Mr. Sung this evening." Jungkook smiled and turned to his laptop and continued his work.


Jungkook's driver parked the car in front of a cafe. Jungkook checked his watch and it was 5:35pm. Their appointment was in 5:30pm, "I'm 5 minutes late..?"

As he entered the cafe he looked around searching if the person already arrived or not. But almost everyone in the cafe were with their own companies and didn't seem to be waiting for anybody.
He sighed and took a seat by the corner.

15 mins passed. He almost finished drinking his whole cup of coffee while waiting but still no one shown up. He had been checking his watch for nth times. He's a man who manage his time very strickly. He took out his phone from his pocket and started scrolling through it since he got irritated after waiting for so long.

He was focussing on his phone but a voice with heavy panting breaths interrupted him from behind.
"J-Jeon Jungkook-ssi...?"

He thought it might be the person whom he had the appointment. He turned his face and was about to give a little irritating look for not maintaining the perfect timing and making him wait for too long, but his eyes was filled with shock. He gasped.
Both of their eyes fixed to each other widely opened with shock.
"Why is here here again"

Memories | I Still Love You | ✔ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon