Chapter 26

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Jungkook slowly got up trying not to make any sound that could wake him up. He took a step to go out from the room but-


Jungkook snapped his head back with eyes widen. Taehyung was mumbling the same word repeatedly with his eyes shut closed breathing heavily.
Jungkook rushed towards him and sat down on the edge of the bed slowly holding Taehyung's hand in his.

"Tae--- Taehyung...?"

Jungkook caressed Taehyung face gently to calm him down.

"Taehyung... I'm here.... I'm here ok..."

"D-don't go."
Taehyung mumbled as he tightened Jungkook's grip on his hand by holding it more tightly turning to his sides with Jungkook's hand in his arms pulling him closer to him.

Jungkook wiggled himself next to Taehyung with his other hand parting away the strands of hair which were all wet with sweats over his forehead.

"I won't go anywhere Taehyung. I'm here."

He smiled weakly as he let his strong arms wrapped around the small frame who wiggled at the touch and slowly turned towards him, wrapping his thin arms around Jungkook's waist, face buried on his chest, which Jungkook didn't expected him to do it, the cutest gesture he loved the most. He pecked his forehead before engulfing him in his arms.

A drop of tear escaped from the corner of Jin's eyes who stood by the door watching the two cuddling each other. He came to call Jungkook to go back but seeing how he lovingly cared for Taehyung and how his brother comfortably sleeping in the younger's arm made him soft and feel safe for his brother. It reminded him of those old times when Jungkook never held himself even for a second from pulling the older into a hug whenever he saw him crying. He slowly closed the door without giving any hint of his presence leaving them as they were.


The morning gentle sunrays that took over the mild darkness of the dawn enters the quiet room passing through the curtains kissing the soft skins of the two person sleeping soundly in each others arms.

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes from the brightness of the sunlight reaching his eyes. But he could never wish for anything better than what he witnessed just when he opened his eyes in the very begining of his day.
The most adorable face of his most precious person, lips with the cutest pout, sleeping innocently with head resting on his arms and tiny thin arms wrapping around his waist. He could see the long eyelashes more clearly... well... it was the best scenery he could ever watch which he will never get tired of watching it in his whole life.

A wide smile curled up on the corner of his lips when the small frame wriggled a bit from the sunrays falling onto his face. Jungkook raised his hand in the air blocking the bright sunlight from irritating the sleeping bear giving him shades with a smile.

His smile got wider when Taehyung slowly trying to opened his eyes with a cute yawn.

"Good morning."

Taehyung snapped his head up to see Jungkook greeting him with a smile. His morning sleep was long gone when he realized their position. His face was only a few centimeters away from Jungkook while his arms literally wrapped around his waist.
He suddenly pushed him away and sat up straight trying to figure out why they were cuddling.

"Hey... what's wrong?"

Jungkook slowly got up and sit beside Taehyung who stared at him with shock yet confused eyes.

"Why are you here? Wait... Did we cuddled and slept together like that..?"


"But... but WHY..?? How??"
Taehyung said more like a scream with shock and that's when Jungkook realized that maybe Taehyung called him 'kookie' in his nightmare referring to what Jin had told him before and he still doesn't remember anything about him.

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