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~Elysia's POV~

"I think I should probably move back to my house." I mentioned quietly to Luke as he and I laid in bed Friday night, cuddling while we tried to fall asleep. The sound of my voice caught his attention and he looked down at me, a furrow in his brow as he frowned. He looked disappointed, like he hated to hear me say those words.

"What?" He asked softly. "When?" He wondered, hugging me up against him tighter, as if I were going right this second and he wanted to stop me from going. I could tell that he wasn't ready for me to leave to move back into my house, even if I was just going to be right across the street from him. To be honest, I felt bad having to tell him that I was moving back home because I could tell he wanted me to stay. I liked staying here too, but it was about time I went back home. "Probably Sunday." I answered, tracing my fingertips over the soft skin of his back.

He sighed deeply in disappointment, frowning to himself as he buried his head into my hair. "But I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay. I mean, I...I love having you here, waking up to your face in the mornings and cuddling with you until we fall asleep at night. Do you really have to go?" He asked softly, slipping his leg between mine to entangle our legs together. "I do. I'm sorry, Luke. If the circumstances were different, I'd stay with you. But everything has changed, for the better. You and I are free to do whatever we want whenever we want, to go wherever. It's not so bad." I said optimistically, sliding my hand up his back and into the soft curls on the back of his head.

For a second, he was just silent, like he was thinking through the things that I had said. "I'm gonna miss this, though." He pouted, holding me tightly. I giggled softly and buried my face into his chest, feeling the warmth of his body all around me. "Really?" I hummed, a smile on my face.

"Yes." He murmured, pausing again for a second. "Fuck, I'll even miss going up to look at the stars with you while you pray." He confessed, causing me to smile wider.

Ever since the first night he'd gone up there with me, he'd made it into a habit to join me on the roof, watching the stars beside me. I liked that he wasn't uncomfortable when I would take my time to pray. He would always just wait quietly and patiently and then he'd hug me close with this little smile on his face. After that, we'd usually watch the stars together for a while. Little did he know, I'd miss that, too. I'd grown to really love having him join me while I did that. I thought it was sweet that he even wanted to join me.

"You're not the only one." I responded softly, hearing him sigh in content as I slowly and carefully raked my fingers through his hair. "And that." He groaned softly, squeezing me tighter. "I love that, the way you so absentmindedly play with my hair when we cuddle. It feels so nice and relaxing." He muttered, his voice slurring slightly as he became sleepier. It was clear to me that he was very close to slipping off into a deep sleep. "Yeah?" I hummed softly in response, continuing to play with his hair the way he liked me to. I felt him nod slightly. "Mhm. I love you, kitty." He yawned, causing me to smile. Hearing him say that to me never got old. It was music to my ears. "I love you, too." I said back softly.

He snored in response.


On Sunday, Luke and I rolled out of bed at a little after ten AM, heading into the bathroom together so we could shower. While he started up the shower, I stripped out of my pajamas and then began to brush my teeth, looking up at him in the mirror as he began to get undressed as well. His eyes met mine and he smiled in amusement, that little smile growing into a teasing grin. "What? You wanting to watch the show?" He asked playfully, hooking his thumbs into the band of his boxers and slowly tugging them down.

My cheeks flared red and I looked away, hearing him laugh behind me while I continued to brush my teeth. When I finished doing that, Luke brushed his and we then got into the shower together. While I stood beneath the showerhead, Luke's tall frame towering over me, I peered up at him. "You sure you have to go today? Can't you stay a little longer?" He asked, a slight frown on his lips as he looked at me with hopeful eyes. I shook my head and sent him an apologetic look, slipping past him to get the shampoo. "I have to go today." I said, popping open the shampoo lid and squirting some into my palm. "We both know it'll be harder for me to leave if I just keep putting it off." I stated, turning to him as I began to shampoo my hair.

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