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~Elysia's POV~

In the morning, I woke up in Luke's arms, feeling his chest rising and falling calmly as he slept soundly. His head was buried in my neck and he softly breathed over my skin, those long arms of his slung around my waist so as to keep me close. I could tell by the way that the sun streamed into his room through his window that it was probably around ten AM, which meant we'd slept for nearly twelve hours straight.

Softly, I brushed a hand through his messy curls and tangled my fingers into the soft strands. His arms tightened around my waist, burying his face deeper into my neck as he groaned in his sleep. I shushed him softly as he shifted, his leg slipping down to tangle between mine. He was stirring in his sleep, pressing as close to me as he possibly could while I listened to the strong thumps of his heart with my head against his chest. After a moment, he stopped stirring and relaxed in his sleep, his breathing steady. While he slept, I took the time to think.

I knew I needed to tell him about mom's visit last night, but obviously I wasn't going to tell him last night because he'd been drunk. Not only would that have been stupid, but it'd probably have also been ultimately pointless. Of course I didn't know if this were the case, but perhaps he wouldn't have even remembered our conversation if I'd told him last night. I would've rather waited until he was sober, when his head was on straight and he was fully able to remember the conversation and wasn't so drunk that he'd have trouble even focusing.

Regardless of all of that, what I was excited about was being able to tell him the news. He and I had been together around three months now, closer to four actually, and nearly all of it had all been spent trying to figure out what to do about my mom. But now, we didn't have to worry about that anymore. Hopefully he'd be just as thrilled as me.

As I was thinking, I had absentmindedly stopped playing with his hair, causing him to stir in his sleep again. Thinking he was just moving around, perhaps to get more comfortable, I stayed still in hopes that I wouldn't disturb him. However, suddenly he yawned softly into my neck and pulled his face out of the crook of my neck, just to look down at me. "Lysi?" He muttered softly, his voice soft. I could tell by the look on his face and the tone in his voice that he was rather hungover, so his head was probably pounding. "Hey." I hummed back, keeping my voice quiet. I didn't want to make his head hurt more. He softly tangled a hand into my hair and inhaled deeply as he laid his head above mine on the pillow. "My head is killing me." He muttered, letting his eyes flutter closed.

My lips turned up into a small smile as I looked up at him, noticing the pained way his brows furrowed together. He must've had a bad headache. "Why don't you go back to bed? I'll be here when you wake up." I suggested softly, beginning to play with his curls again. When he let out a soft breath and leaned more into my touch, I knew he liked it. "No, I can stay awake." He protested, peeling his lids open until his blue eyes peered down at me. I placed a light kiss on his shoulder and gave him a small smile. "How about some ibuprofen, then? Where do you keep it?" I asked, wanting to help him somehow. For a moment, he peered down at me. "I have some in the cabinet above the stove, down in the kitchen." He answered after a bit, reluctantly releasing me so I could crawl out of his bed.

"I'll be back." I assured him when I saw the little frown on his face as he watched me get up, not wanting me to leave. He didn't respond, just watched after me while I left the room.

Quietly, I jogged downstairs and into the kitchen, giving Luke's mom a smile and a wave as I passed. When she saw me grabbing the ibuprofen from up in the cabinet, her brows furrowed. "Is everything okay, Elysia?" She asked me, a tone of worry in her voice. Her Australian accent was much stronger than Luke's, but he still had a hint of it when he spoke. "Yes. Luke just has a headache, so I was getting some ibuprofen." I answered, shutting the cabinet and grabbing a cup from a separate cabinet.

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