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~Luke's POV~

Tuesday morning, I walked out of my house to go to school, locking my front door behind me. Absentmindedly, I glanced over towards the driveway of Elysia's house as I walked down the driveway to my car, seeing her searching frantically through her purse while she stood by the driver's side door. I was pretty sure she was looking for her car keys, since that made the most sense.

Without thinking it through at all, I cocked my head to the side and called out to her. "You having some troubles over there, kitten?" I asked, the sound of my voice causing her head to snap up to look over at me. I raised a brow and leaned against the side of my car, watching as she ran a hand through her black hair and let out a frustrated breath. "I think I lost my keys." She answered, a deep frown on her face. My lips pulled up into a light smile, pointing a thumb to my car right beside me. "You want me to take you to school today? You can always try to find them after school." I offered, but she frowned at me, like she was uncertain. Knowing her, she was worried that it'd be going out of my way. Of course, though, it was never too much for me if it had to do with her. "Come on." I insisted, chuckling in amusement about how worried she was. "You're sure?" She hesitated, furrowing her brows. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "You should know by now that if I didn't want to do it, I wouldn't offer. Now get your ass over here." I coaxed, causing her to smile softly before she skittered across the street and up my driveway.

"Thank you." She breathed out as she came to a halt in front of me, a little smile on her full lips. "No need to thank me." I hummed, grazing my eyes over her figure as I finally took in her outfit now that she was up close to me. She had on a pair of navy blue shorts with mustard yellow stars and moons on them, her torso covered in a cropped, black tank top that clipped all the way up the middle. Her shoes were simple black combat boots, her long legs leading down into them. Those full lips of hers were shiny with clear gloss, tempting me to re-think that kiss we had shared only a few days ago. I hadn't kissed her since, but god had I been thinking about it.

"Well, still." She said, letting out a soft giggle as she walked around my car to the passenger's side door. I unlocked the car and we both got in, shutting our doors as I put the key into the ignition and started up the engine. "Hey, Luke?" She asked as I began to back out of my driveway, causing me to glance over at her with a brow raised curiously. "Yeah?" I hummed, beginning to drive down the street. She shifted in her seat, her backpack resting on the floor at her feet. "I never thanked you for staying the night with me on Saturday night. You could've just left me to be scared and gone home, but you didn't. So...thanks." She said shyly, an amused smile forming on my face at the fact that she felt like she had to even thank me for that.

"Well," I began, sparing her a glance. "It was my pleasure. I was lucky enough to be able to sleep next to someone so beautiful, wasn't I?" I teased, causing her to flush in embarrassment.

"I-I mean... I guess?" She whispered, biting her lip. It was clear to see that she was becoming embarrassed and flustered. I chuckled in amusement and took a left out of our neighborhood, smiling. "You're cute." I said absentmindedly, shaking my head. At first, she just softly giggled and then she spoke. "You think I'm cute?" She asked softly, causing me to finally realize what I'd said. I hadn't even thought it through, let alone even realized what I'd said. It had just come out, right as I was thinking it. It wasn't like it wasn't true, though. Elysia was beyond gorgeous, but her personality was fucking cute.

"Yes." I admitted simply, having no shame in that fact. There was no hiding it. I took a sneak glance over at her and saw she had a little smile on her lips as she tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear, looking down at her bare thighs. "Can I ask you something, Elysia?" I asked, focusing my attention back on the road again when she nodded. "Yes, of course. Anything." She said immediately. My lips pulled up into a little smile and I somewhat pressed my foot harder into the pedal. "Do you...." I began, hesitating in asking my question as a sudden wave of anxiousness washed through me. At the last second, I changed the question. "Do you always get so scared from horror movies?" I blurted, wondering right after I asked it why it had left my mouth. That was a dumb question.

Starry Eyed / l.h ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora