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~Elysia's POV~

I left my bathroom on Friday morning, fresh out of the shower and ready to begin doing my makeup before I'd get dressed for the day of school that laid ahead of me. After I was finished doing my makeup, I went into my closet and searched through my clothes for something to wear. Eventually, I decided on wearing a simple navy blue dress that had a pattern of stars and moons on it, the dress only reaching to a bit above my mid thigh. I pulled on a pair of navy blue heels that had a few stars and moons on the right side of the shoe to match the dress. My hair was loosely curled and fell nicely down my back, a silver necklace around my neck that had a bird pendant dangling from it.

Although it had taken me a bit of thought, I eventually decided to pull on a cropped jacket that had fuzzy, dark blue fur on it that bordered on being more of a blue-black than anything. Once I was dressed, I left my closet and grabbed my backpack and purse, sliding my backpack on before I left my house with my keys in hand. After Luke had gotten me home the other day, I had managed to tear apart the entire house and find my keys in my room, where they'd somehow ended up under my bed.

I left the house and went out to my car, unlocking it before I climbed into the driver's seat to begin my drive to school. When I parked in my usual parking spot, I saw that Luke had already arrived before me, his car in the spot beside mine. I couldn't help but to wonder how early he had left his house if he was actually here before I was. It was only just about to turn seven AM, after all. Brushing my thoughts off, I climbed out of my car and locked its doors, heading into school with the sound of my heels lightly clacking against the ground. Weirdly enough, I'd always liked that sound.

The second I entered the school, I made a direct beeline for my locker, slinking my way through the crowd until I located it like I usually did. Once I reached it, I popped open the locker and grabbed my things before I headed off to the cafeteria to wait for the bell to dismiss us all to first period.


While I was on my way to Mr. Wells class, AKA my ESS class, I felt a hand grasp onto my wrist while I passed a different room. Suddenly, I was being tugged into an empty classroom, a squeal of both surprise and fear leaving me as the door was shut and then I was promptly pushed up against it. The room was completely dark, no windows or lights on, so I couldn't see my kidnapper at the moment. However, I didn't need to see to know who it was.

The second I got a whiff of the rainy earth scent, I knew who was in front of me, their hands pressed against the door on either side of my head.

"Luke?" I asked quietly, confused. What was I doing in here? Why had he tugged me into here like that? "Hey, kitten." He hummed, the feeling of his warm breath fanning against my skin making me realize just how close he stood to me. Finally, my eyes began to adjust, but it was still so dark that the only thing I could really see was his silhouette in the dark. "Luke, what are we doing in here? You know, you're going to make us very late." I scolded, my brows furrowing in frustration. All I'd wanted was to get to class on time. I didn't want to have to go get a tardy slip! I hated being tardy or getting in trouble! "I want to talk to you." He said simply.

I couldn't help but to huff in frustration. "We have the same class this period! You could've just talked to me then, like a normal person." I complained, frowning deeply. Instead of arguing with me, he just snorted and shook his head. "Shut up a second, Lysi." He demanded casually, causing me to blink in surprise. He'd said that to me like it was no big deal! "I'm not here to discuss shit about class. Quite frankly, I couldn't give any less of a shit about that class or what we're missing. Honestly, I'm doing you a favor by keeping you here." He said, shrugging like it were obvious. Still completely dumbfounded, I just gaped at him. "Doing me a favor?" I repeated after I got my head back on straight, scoffing. "You're doing me a favor if I wanted to fail! I need to go." I huffed, turning and grabbing the door handle. When I tried to open the door, Luke instantly shut it, then I heard the sound of it locking. "Unh-unh." He tsked. "Not happening, I'm afraid." He said unapologetically, only making me frown in irritation.

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