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~Elysia's POV~

Somehow, I managed to make it through the Conjuring and the movie Us, but once he put on Insidious, I couldn't even make it halfway through. Although I had easily agreed to watching scary movies with him, I might've left out the fact that I couldn't handle scary movies. I was a bit of a giant wuss when it came to scary movies.

You'd think I'd be more into scary movies with the weird knick knacks and the fact that I had a ouija board, but I was definitely not. I hadn't grown up watching horror movies and I most definitely hadn't been raised around ouija boards. In fact, I was lucky to be able to even have my ouija board in the house. Mom really didn't approve of or like them whatsoever. She hated them so much that she even refused to come in my room, as she believed that they were bad luck and evil. If you knew how to use them, or moreso how to protect yourself around them, they weren't very bad at all. Still, she hated them, and I respected that. My ouija board never left its shelf, let alone my room.

Luke noticed when I began to try to subtly shield my view of the TV screen with my knees, his head turning down to look at me with a brow raised and an amused smile on his face. "Are you...scared?" He drawled, mirth evident in both his voice and his face.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment at not only being caught trying to hide, but at the fact that I was, indeed, scared. He probably thought I was totally into scary movies. "Maybe just a little." I said sheepishly, sparing him a glance before I looked down at my blankets while I heard the sound of a scream on TV. I knew something bad was happening on the screen, so I refused to look. I liked thriller movies, but this was not thriller in any way! I'd tried to tolerate the movies and suck it up, not wanting to look like a wimp, but I was pretty sure I already looked like one now. "Only a little?" He chuckled, teasing me.

Feeling embarrassed still, I just blushed more and refused to look at him, biting my lip as I made myself comfortable in my bed. I relaxed into the pillows, my side lightly pressing into his as he sat beside me, peering down at me while the movie continued on the TV. When he realized I wasn't going to look at him because I was so embarrassed, he chuckled softly and his fingers lightly cupped my chin, turning me to look up at him. "I thought you liked scary movies." He hummed, cocking a brow up at me. Softly, I shook my head, causing him to smile in amusement as he peered down at me. "You don't have to watch them just because I suggested it, you know." He mentioned quietly.

Softly biting my lip, which easily gained his attention, I felt his body subconsciously leaning into mine more. My side seemed to mold right into his, our thighs pressed together as I felt my cheek brush the warm, smooth skin of his chest. "I wanted to." I whispered back, feeling my heart pounding nervously. "I just wanted us to hang out." I confessed quietly, causing him to smile softly to himself. "How sweet of you." He teased softly, peering down at me with a small smile that I had on my face as well.

However, his small smile faded when his gaze reached my lips, instead letting out a soft breath as his fingertips glided along my jawline and into my neck. My lips parted and I could feel my breathing growing heavier just from him touching me every once in awhile. "Elysia?" He breathed out after a moment, his blue eyes resting on my lips as his blue eyes flickered with an unfamiliar emotion. "Yes, Luke?" I whispered back. To my surprise, he looped his other arm around my waist and pulled me against him, pressing our sides together.

Now we were so close that I was halfway laid on him, my right leg hitched up between his as my head rested just around his chest. Our position, which was just the two of us leaned back into the pillows against my headboard, made me still have to tilt my head up a bit to look at him. It was easy to see in his face that he had something on his mind, something that seemed to be conflicting him. I just didn't know what. After a moment, he seemed to brush that conflict aside and he reluctantly lowered his hand as he leaned away from me just a little bit. "You shouldn't feel the need to do something you don't want to just to please me. We could've spent the whole day watching static of the TV and I'd had been happy." He assured me kindly, causing me to blush a bit. "Okay." I said softly.

Starry Eyed / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now