25. The End Of Second Year

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It was time for the feast. I sat cheerfully with Ron and Harry. Harry was telling me about how he had freed the Malfoy's elf, Dobby on his way out from Dumbledore's office.

The best part was Hermione returning. I didn't even see her at first. I was lost in my own thoughts when Ron spoke.

"Y/N, I think there's someone here that you would like to see."

I glanced up, and right in front of my was Hermione Granger. I jumped up and engulfed her in a hug, causing her to go red. She sat down next to me and was ecstatic that we solved it.

This feast was one to remember, everybody was in their pyjamas, and the celebration lasted all night. I didn't know whether the best bit was Hermione not petrified again or Justin hurrying over from the Hufflepuff table to apologise endlessly for suspecting me, or Hagrid turning up, or me, Harry and Ron's six hundred points for Gryffindor securing the House Cup for the second year running, or Professor McGonagall standing up to tell us all that the exams had been cancelled as a school treat, or Dumbledore announcing that, unfortunately, Professor Lockhart would be unable to return next year, owing to the fact that he needed to go away and get his memory back. Quite a few of the teachers joined in the cheering that greeted this news

"I missed you 'Mione." I said, smiling at the girl.

She smiled back, but didn't say anything. My mind flashed back to the time I confessed my feelings to her in the Hospital Wing.

Petrified people couldn't hear anything...right?

Hermione's POV

At the feast, I couldn't take my eyes off Y/N. I heard about what he and Harry had to go through in the Chamber against Tom Riddle. Occasionally I kept on getting these mini flashbacks from when I was petrified.

We'll catch the monster, I'll catch the monster. I promise Hermione. You don't deserve this, it shouldn't be you. Anyone but you.

I-I, I like you Hermione, you won't hear this, but I just want to tell you. I've liked you since we met and you matter so much to me a-and-

I thought that I was making things up, it didn't seem possible that someone like him liked me. I did like him, he was nice, he was good-looking and he always put other people first.

"You should've seen Y/N in the Chamber." said Harry.

"What? Sorry." I said, confused as I had been lost in my thoughts.

Y/N chuckled. Then Harry carried on.

"He was like, go Harry, go. Go back to Ron and stay safe, I'll kill this gigantic thing and Voldemort myself."

"I made a promise to kill that thing." Y/N laughed.

My heart raced, maybe I wasn't dreaming? Maybe I could take a chance and ask him about his potential feelings for me.

Harry started. "Did you also know that Y/N is Voldemort's-"

"Worst nightmare." Y/N finished, looking at Harry.

"Of course he is. Voldemort got himself killed by a kid...again." Ron laughed.

The rest of the feast passed in a blur.


Harry had nearly slipped out my connection to Voldemort. I wanted to tell them, but not right now when everyone was happy.

It wasn't long till we were back on the Hogwart's Express. Me, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Issac, Fred, George, and Ginny got a compartment to ourselves. We played Exploding Snap and practised disarming each other with magic.

"Do you remember when Y/N beat Lockhart at that duel." Ron laughed.

Hermione didn't look impressed.

"Come on 'Mione, you know he's a fraud." I said.

Hermione didn't believe us when we told her about Lockhart, but when other students confirmed it, she had no choice but to believe what we told her.

We were nearly at King's Cross and I needed to tell everyone something. I wanted it to be just Harry, Ron and Hermione but everyone here was close to me.

"Um...guys." I began shakily.

Everyone turned silent and looked at me.

"I, uh, found out something in the Chamber. Uh, Tom told me something. I thought he was lying but uh, he wasn't."

Everyone stared at me expecting news.

"I'm, uh, related to him, I'm his grandson to be exact."

I looked nervously at everyone, and then at Issac. I thought he would've known but he didn't. Then Hermione hugged me.

"I'm nothing like him, please don't treat me differently." I pleaded.

Everyone told me that they wouldn't see me differently and Fred and George said sorry that I had to be related to him.

The only people who stayed silent were Issac, and Ron.

When we arrived at King's Cross, I got off, not without saying my goodbye's to all my friends and promising to write to Harry and Hermione.

Everyone said goodbye to me, except one person. Ron. He walked away from me and straight to his family, ignoring me. He obviously didn't like the fact I was related to Voldemort.

I gave Hermione one last hug and then went over to my family, a solemn expression on all our faces.

"Dumbledore told us..." my mother began.

I couldn't feel anger towards my adopted parents who had taking care of me all my life. I knew they were protecting me.

"It's fine." I replied plainly.

"Ok. That's good then." my father said.

"Steven! We need to talk about this!" my mother scolded. We all Apparated back to our house before we had a conversation.

"Who are my actual parents?" I asked.

"Sorry dear, but we can't tell you." my mother said sadly.

I respected their decision since it would obviously be something I didn't want to know.

"You have every right to be angry at us." my father said.

"I'm not angry, you did this to protect me and I'm very glad that you've treated me like your own son." I replied.

My mother then spoke. "You are our son, you always will be, regardless of your actual parentage."

I then dismissed myself to my room, before I could walk in. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

It was Issac, he looked at me before speaking.

"Even though you're not actually my brother, you're still my little brother to me."

I smiled before hugging Issac.

"You too Issac, you're the best brother anyone could ever have."

The Chamber of Secrets | Hermione Granger x Male Reader (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now