Book Two

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Y/N is your name
L/N is your last name
E/C is your eye colour
H/C is your hair colour

You are Y/N L/N a Pure-blooded wizard and your family are known for being Blood-traitors. All your life you have grown up with the Weasley family and you are about to start your second year. Your father is Steven L/N and your mother is Joyce L/N. You also have an older brother named Issac L/N who is in his fourth year at Hogwarts.

In your first year you made friends with The Golden Trio and went with them to save the Philosopher's Stone, you realised that maybe you have small feelings for Hermione but don't want to act on them.

This is book two. This book focuses more than book one the relationship between you and Hermione, however, it's still mainly building it up for future books.

I highly recommend reading book one before reading this.

(Edit by wonhosmila)

(Edit by wonhosmila)

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