Daniel stood in front of his cell and watched Derek. He was in the same state as before. Daniel had been down here but as yet, had no conversations with him.

Derek sniffed the air and turned around."Ah...My dear nephew have you come for another visit? Are you going to talk this time?"

"What were you doing at Adrian's house the night the Luna was attacked?"

"Just stopped by for a friendly visit." He smirked.

"Cut the crap Derek, I've already spoken to Adrian. Why were you there with 20 wolves?" Daniel had his jaw clenched, glaring at him.

"Well you never know what is going to happen when you visit a vampire, so I decided I needed protection." Still with the smirk on his face.

"Then why did they attack the enforcers? All wolves, other than rogues, know to stop when they see a pack enforcer."

"Well my dear nephew, they saw you attack me and were only coming to my defense."

"Why did you visit the bloodsucker?"

"A little birdie told me he had an interesting human, I thought she would make a nice pet. As far as her being 'Luna', you know and I know, a human can not be Alpha female. She had not been marked, so I assumed no one laid claim to her." He smiled, "I did not attack anyone, you attacked me. I have committed no crime and demand to be released." The smirk was back.

"I will give the Alpha your testimony and he will decided your fate. I think we should bring in the council to investigate." Derek blanched and Daniel walked away.


Daniel come to my office, there are things we need to discuss.

I'll be there in a couple minutes, I'm in the prison.

Trevor was not sure how to broach the subject about Alex. He had to know why she no longer smelt like a human.

Daniel entered the office. "Trevor I've talked to Derek and Adrian."

"What did they say?"

"Adrian says he thought she was his beloved and had to taste her to be sure."

Trevor was flabbergasted. "Did he say why Derek was there?"

"According to him, Derek just showed up and wanted to take Alex with him if she was not his beloved."

"Do you believe him?"

"Yes. He has formally requested the council."

Trevor was shocked! He would only request the council if he was truly innocent. Trevor couldn't have the council snooping around! With a sigh he made his decision. "Release Adrian."

"Are you sure? What if he is working with Derek?"

"He would not request the council if he was guilty. How did Derek react?"

"He seemed upset when I mentioned a council investigation. But denied he did anything wrong."

Trevor thought it over. "We will continue to hold him, for now."

"Yes Alpha."

"Now there is something else I need to discuss with you. What I say does not leave this room."

"Of course."

"When I was with Alex today, She no longer smells human."

Daniel raised his eyebrows. "Alpha, Adrian said she tasted like a wolf."

Unexpected Lycan Book 1Where stories live. Discover now