17. Epilogue

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"Did you see my name in the magazine?" I exclaimed as I looked at my name with the magnifying glass. 

"Sarah!" I yelled, "it's on the bottom right corner. I was a contributor." 

I heard laughs through the phone, "I know. I'm going to get there one day. Don't stop believing." 

"We won't," I hear Robert yelling through the phone. 

I will never be able to thank god enough for these amazing people that I call my friends. 

I ended the call so I'd be able to communicate with my dad, somebody that I grew to care about. I never thought I'd have the chance to forgive him but he provided me reasons upon reasons and I finally found the strength to do so. 

"Austin," I called out. 

He walked out of my bathroom, tired and sore from the concert that held in Paris. The distance has been hard but it isn't impossible. Because if you loved somebody, impossible isn't in the vocabulary. 

"Hanna," he mocked me. 

I put my arms around his neck, looking over at the view that I now call home for the past two years. My career gotten better, to see my name on the magazine at all gives me the slightest amount of hope. 

"I am so in love with you," Austin says and gives me a small kiss. 

"We wasted so much time," I laughed, "remember your relationship with Camila?" 

Austin threw his back in laughter, "that was the biggest scandal at the moment. I only wish her the best now. I heard she was dating Shawn Mendes now."

I smirked, "I'm so jealous."

Austin furrowed his eyebrows, "you don't love this?" He shook his hip as he sexily took off his shirt, showing his very visible abs that I loved. "I'm sure you'd love this more."

I laughed. 

I was lucky enough to fall for my best friend. Most fall in love and gain a best friend. But mine, we were crushing on each other for years and I think that's the most magical thing that could happen. 

"I can't wait to marry you," he whispers to me. Austin touches my diamond ring that was on my ring finger and I think this was the meaning of happiness. I had finally got to this point, where I feel more than content. 

"Me too," I replied and laid my head upon his back. 

"I think we should try to get a baby," he laughed. I slapped against his bare chest and he flinched in pain before throwing me on the bed. He winked at me before jumping into bed with me. 

I found the love of my life. I found what my definition of love is. 

I wish for everybody to find theirs. 

And be able to tell my baby that his father and I fought for this love, even till this day. Everyday. 

Austin Mahone and Hanna Mahone

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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