05. Fix it

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After the party ended, I rode with Andrea so she would be able to drop me off at home. I wished I enjoyed it as much as she did, but truthfully, it was horrible. I was alone most of the time and just sat on the couch.

"I heard about the past you had with Austin," she said while still having her eyes focused on the road. I didn't respond, hoping that she'll get the message that I don't want to talk about it. It was obvious that she didn't because she continued talking.

"I feel like Austin should forgive you," she said. I looked at her confused of what she had said.

"Why does he need to forgive me? I should be the one forgiving," I nervously chuckled. She just sighed and kept quiet until we got to my house.

"Hanna, maybe you should really look outside the box and see where your intentions are coming from," she said while I was getting out the car. I slammed the door lightly and just nodded.

I'm so tired of everyone telling me how to think and how wrong I am.

Austin went back to tour he next day after the party. I thought things were finally going to be normal but the boys and Sarah still haven't texted me, neither have Andrea. I been alone the rest of the summer and school was starting soon. I decided to be the bigger person and went to Alex's house to share him my schedule that finally released today, I was pretty sure the others were going to be there as well.

I parked right outside and walked in, their door was hardly ever locked. It was empty in the living room but there was voices heard in his room. I didn't even knocked and I just walked in.

"Alex, I got my schedule!" I said while holding up my phone, showing the email that I received. No one said anything, it was so silent until Sarah saved me.

"Oh yeah, me too. Let's see if we have any classes together," she said patting onto the seat next to hers. Alex nudged her but she just nudged back as I was walking towards her.

"I didn't know that all of you were going to be here, you guys should've told me,"I lied. They all just nervously laughed and nodded their heads. Sarah and I shared our schedules and we got like a few and lunch together. When I tried to share with everyone else, they just lazily tossed their phones to me.

"Let's just talk about the big elephant in the room, Austin left and he brainwashed you to not talk to me," I shouted. I was on the verge of tears, I didn't want to lose my friends over a boy.

Robert being who he is, he talked first. "Right, it's always Austin's fault, never yours,"

I gave him a confused look, "at least tell me what I did wrong. I don't know why you are ruining our relationship over a kid who only came here for two days," I replied confused.

"He's not just a kid, he's our best friend. Stop acting like you don't know how you are wrong. Hanna, you hate Austin because of your dad. That's the dumbest thing I've heard," Zach stood up to me.

Everyone started nodding, along with Andrea. She didn't even know the last thing about me, she was only here because of Robert.

"Don't blame Austin that he loves music, blame your dad. Don't put your anger on your friendship, open your eyes and stop only thinking about yourself. Austin lost his dad at an early age and he used to always sing to him. Why should he stop his connection with his dad for your dad?" Alex finally yelled back.

I looked at all of them and I started crying. It started streaming down my face and it wouldn't stop, but no one came up to hug me. I felt so angry but I felt so sad.

"It's not always about you," Andrea added.

"Okay, lets just fix this now." I replied, catching my breath and wiping the tears off my face.

"No, you can't just fix it with us. Hanna, you have to fix it with Austin. His heart is broken because of you. Go fix it with him," Robert said and stormed out the room.

Was I really wrong to do this to him? I'm selfish and disgustedly rude? Is that who I really am?

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