08. My Spot

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"Hey, are you still thinking about him?" Sarah asked me.

I looked at her and shrugged, "I really wish I wasn't."

We laid on the bed together and just stare at the ceiling. Everything was going by so fast and I couldn't catch up. I started to think back when Austin sang in our school and we kissed.

We went back to Alex's house after the concert and held a very small barbecue to celebrate. I didn't know if I felt happy or awkward with how the things played out but it finally felt like a whole under this roof again.

Austin pulled me aside into the living room where there was no one.

"What does this leave us now?" Austin asked me.

I looked at him and said, "I want you to come back first, come back for maybe a few months so we can figure this out. We can call this a waiting game."

"I'll accept that we're a waiting game," he said and lowering himself just for his lips to meet my forehead.

When we were bringing him to the airport, his last words to me was "I'll be back to end the game, Hanna."

I got off the bed and asked Sarah, "do you think this game will ever end? Will we ever get the relationship we deserve?"

She wasn't looking at me but her eyes were focused on her phone with a really worried face.

"Are you okay?" I asked and walked back closer to her.

"Hanna, I'm sorry."

That was all she said and I could feel my heart drop. I knew it was something about Austin. Was it that he was dead or was it that he got into some bad issues?

"What happened to Austin? Is he okay?" I worriedly asked. But she said nothing and looked back into her phone.

I messily snatched the phone away from her and read the article for myself.

"Austin Mahone and Camila Cabello has officially came out and admit to being in a relationship! They were both on tour together, fans had expected something to stir up."

I looked back to Sarah and laughed. "I know you made this," I threw the phone back at her and she was confused as I was.

"I'm sorry," she said again.

I looked at her and fell to my knees. It was my fault that he's finally in a new relationship. I had always treated me horrible and he has finally found himself the new relationship he deserved.

"He deserves her, they're better together."

Sarah came up to me and just hugged me. We sat in that position for awhile before the doors were barged in by Alex and Zach.

"Hanna—", Zach stopped in his tracks when he sees that the news has been delivered to me as well. I looked up at them but I just couldn't stop crying. Why did I ever believe he was going to really wait for a selfish person like me.

When I was finally able to stop crying, I just laid in bed and pretended to sleep. I didn't wish for any contact with anyone at this moment.

I heard Alex talk to Sarah outside in the hall, "Sarah, we can't let Hanna see Austin when he comes back."

My hands started to shake again but I knew I had to keep quiet. It was starting all over, I had to see Austin again. But the thing about this time was, I had to see him with his new girlfriend. The spot that we promised that was saved for me when he got back tomorrow.

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