14. Concrete Jungle

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I looked around me, tall and short buildings climbing above me. Colors were spilling onto me as I stood in the biggest crowd I've seen yet.

"This is Times Square, basically the heart of New York." My dad pointed to the buildings and advertisements tagged along the walls. It still felt so unreal and it was breathtaking, for sure.

"This is so much bigger than San Antonio," Judith said shouting. I held onto her hands incase one of us got lost.

"Don't worry, we'll come here often. Let's get back into the car, my driver is waiting." He said while leading us back into the black SUV.

"This is beautiful," my mom admires as we drove off to our house.

"A city can't compare to how beautiful you are," my dad said as he caressed her check. I looked back to Judith and I could see her cringing as much as me.

"This doesn't have to be done in the car," my sister said aloud and I bursted out laughing.

"That's rude?" I said while holding in my laugh.

All this smiling in this car really got me feeling what a real family felt like. I just blurted out, "If someone told me I had a real family 4 years ago, I'd call them crazy."

My mom looked at me and held my hands, "honey, you have a real family."

When we finally arrived home and had dinner, I called my friends again. I was going to start school soon and I was so nervous. It was the middle of the year and I was scared people knew who I was.

"We saw you on the news, you looked so scared." Andrea said laughing along with everyone else in the background.

"It's crazy, I felt someone pull my hair. I swear." I replied while holding my stomach from all the laughing.

"We really miss you, I can't for you to visit. Don't meet too much people." Alex said with his arm hung over Sarah's shoulders.

"I won't. Where's Austin?" I asked as I looked at all their faces. It got silent for a minute but Zach answered me.

"He and Camila broke up, it was fake obviously. But he had met a new girl, who he's dating for real." He exaggerated the for real.

"That's nice," I said smiling. I was honestly deeply happy for him and always wanted to see him only happy.

We talked for a bit longer and I was told to go downstairs by one of the workers.

"How long have you worked for my dad?" I asked him as we walked down the stairs.

"It's been a long time, he mentioned you a lot. He asked me about the room a lot since I have a little girl myself." He said smiling. I could tell he genuinely love this job and I really want to treat him with respect.

"I'm Hanna, what about you?"

"Oh sweetie, I know who you are. I am Elijah."

I smiled and shook his hands as we are friends now. "I really want to start calling you Elijah now."

When I went into the living room, everyone was sitting around the table already.

"Yes?" I asked in response for them calling me downstairs.

"We want to ask you if you're sure about public school? I don't want you to get hurt or anything because of me. People have seen you on the news honey," my dad said as he shuffled through my applications.

I furrowed my brows, "if I don't go to public then where would I go?"

"We can do online school or a more private school. Many of my friends have their kids in Lockwood High because of their reputation as well. So most of the students there belongs to a well known parent, maybe that would help you connect with more people." He responded.

I looked at Judith's application that she was filling out herself, it had Lockwood on it.

"Oh, you're going there?" I asked her.

She nodded happily, "I want to meet Jayden Smith or something."

I rolled my eyes, "he doesn't go there." But she just shrugged.

I looked at my parents again and said, "I'm sure I want to stay in public. If there's any problem, can I just transfer to Lockwood?"

They nodded, "we just wanted to make sure."
My dad then pulled out the public application and started to fill it in.

I hope I don't regret it and nothing happens to me.

"Can we please go out and tour more around this city?" I asked. I really wanted to see more and get my mind off everything.

"We are busy, do you want to go with Spencer?" My dad said as he pointed to another guy standing in the corner. I looked at him weirdly, trying to tell him I didn't want to go with him.

"Judith, do you want to come?"

"Nope, I'm busy trying to see who I'll meet at Lockwood." She responded, causing my parents to laugh.

"I want to go shopping," I said trying to let them know. Of course, I got handed money which could be really helpful, I been unemployed for the longest.

"Can Spencer just drive? I don't want a driver just following behind us." I whispered to my dad

"No, Spencer is as old as you." He replied and called someone from the outside that we needed to be driven.

I sat uncomfortably with Spencer in the backseat but I had so many questions about him.

"Why do you work for my dad? You're so young," I asked amazed.

"My dad is Elijah, I'm just around here sometimes to get some cash since your dad trusts him with his whole heart so I was hired." He said.

It's crazy to see how much of a different life we had.

"I think you're lucky, despite Ivan leaving you since you were little." He continued.

I looked at him confused. How did he know everything about him, especially our past.

"Ivan talks about his family a lot, basically to all of us." He chuckled.

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