07. Say You're Just a Friend

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I looked back to my friend, Brianna, that was sitting next to me to try to avoid contact with him.

"Lady Bird Johnson," Austin screamed. The crowd responded in a roar, everyone was so excited. I looked at him the entire time, his smile and his energy. I started to smile and forgot about why I disliked him for a whole second. He then started to sing and people were starting to stand up.

"I wanna be your everything, I wanna be the one you need, so tell me where you been all my life,"

Before I knew it, Alex was leaned in beside my ear and said, "he wrote that song for you, you are the friend that he was in love with."

I didn't respond to him and kept my eyes at Austin but I had no reply or emotion. My eyes started to water and before I could react, I was crying a lot. I asked to be excused and I went to the bathroom.

I stayed inside the stall and I couldn't even tell the time. The bathroom suddenly opened and Sarah screamed my name, "Emma? Are you here?"

Me being the person I am, I kept myself silent and saw her walked around to every stall. At the stall I was in, she knocked on the door and said, "I know this is you. Please let me in."

I stayed in my spot for a long second before turning the lock to the left, letting the door open itself. I met the face of Sarah's, wasn't expecting anything different. She took two steps toward me and opened her arms.

"I was wrong, I know I was. I'm sorry," I cried on her shoulders.

She kept patting me and we didn't say anything. "Austin's looking for you, the concert is over."

"Already?" I lightly screamed while wiping the tears off my face. Before she could answer, I pushed by her and opened the doors. I wasn't even able to take five steps before bumping into someone.

There was a huge crowd in front of me and this person, I knew exactly who it was. When my head lifted, a pair of hazel eyes met into my brown ones.

"Don't say you're just a friend anymore," he said and grabbed my face. My lips were met to his and I couldn't stop him but kiss back. My focus started to fade away from all the yelling and it started to get silent.

I pulled away and tried not to smile. "My name is Emma," I said while holding my hands out. I just wanted to start all over with him and take my mistakes back.

"I think I just kissed the love of my life, thanks for that Emma," he said in reply and took my hand into his. Austin then pulled me closer to him and kept me around his arms for another minute.

I've never realized the pain others go through, but only mine. I always put mine ahead, which you should do, but there is a boundary. I crossed Austin's boundary and I've learned that the hard way.

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