04. Daddy

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"Stop ruining everything Robert! If I wanted your help, I'd ask for it." We were driving back home now, everyone was going to meet up tomorrow but I was not planning to attend.

He laughed but he said nothing. No one said anything and that really made me frustrated. I looked over at Sarah but she didn't make any contact with me.

"Just ignore me, I appreciate it," I said going back to my phone because no one was going to say anything. Alex was going to drop Zach and Robert off first since they lived near each other.

As we were pulling up to their street, Zach exhaled and said, "Hanna, stop acting like the victim all the damn time. It's tiring, we get it. Austin left you for better things and that reminds you of your dad. We all been patient with you and the history of our day but you just had to ruin the first day that Austin came back."

I looked over at him, no one tried to defend me so I spoke for myself. I said, "He's going to leave soon, that's what musicians do."

Sarah responded, "why did you support him back then but the moment he got signed, you stopped?"

I kept quiet and waited until with only Alex and Sarah in the car. None of us spoke a single word.

"We are going to be with Austin for the two days and attending his Houston show as well. We know you won't come so we won't force you, have a nice weekend," Alex said and drove off after I closed the door.

I walked into my house and found my mom watching television. I threw myself next to her, she was watching Disney movies with my baby sister.

"I can't believe it. All my friends are leaving me just to spend it with Austin, I don't even know what's so good about him," I said while grabbing the chips off the table to snack on.

My mom didn't reply but then she looked over at me and grabbed my hands.

"Alex told me all about it, why you and Austin stopped being friends. Hanna, I'm not you so I'll never understand you. What's stopping you from being happy if he's happy?"

"Daddy, he left us for music. Why should I have to do this again? He knows what happened with daddy, why is he leaving?" I started crying.

"Austin is supposed to stay in Texas because of your daddy's mistake? He's a kid just like you, he doesn't understand and think like that. Austin will never become your daddy, ever," she replied holding onto me.

That day I went to bed, no one had texted me any plans or goodnight. Maybe all I do is think about myself, they have been telling me about this the entire time.

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