16. Paris

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[Sorry for never updating. I was honestly having a writer's block and I just forgot] 

check out Dare or Dare by dsrastories

I was able to fly back to Texas and that made me nervous. I kept re-reading Bryce's letter, not knowing if this was what I wanted. But what changed? 

I have a famous dad. I have amazing friends in Texas. I had Austin in Texas. 

But I knew if I gave up this chance, my younger self would never forgive me. I grip on the letter, wishing for life to give me a sign to give up this offer. I should be happy for myself but the only thing keeping me from happy was myself. 

"I can't believe you're back!" Andrea said as she was picking me up from the airport. 

"I know," I beamed. It suddenly feels nice to feel the humid air hitting against me. I never thought I would miss this. We drove past our childhood and I just feel it hitting me more. It was like everything in the past was crumbling apart. 

"Austin did miss you," she stated before letting me into Robert's house. I knew they had something planned, no matter how hard they tried to hide it. This is a huge reason why I could never see myself leaving this state, again. 

I was greeted at the door with a Welcome Home Hanna sign. I threw my head back in laughter and how excited everybody was. I was trying to find a pair of eyes that weren't here and I could feel my heart drop. 

"Austin?" I whispered to Sarah. 

She smiled, "he's waiting for you in the room."

I nervously walked there, exhaled deeply before opening the door. The last time that I've seen him, we didn't end well. I just hope that something changes. Losing my best friend was the worst thing that I had to experience. 

"Austin?" I called out. 

I flicked the lights open, revealing balloons that were hung on the ceiling. There he was, Austin, the person that I missed the most. He held out a picture frame of the night that we kissed - the night that he sang me the song that was written for me. 

"Ausitn-" I try to say. 

But he interrupted me with a kiss. 



Then I pulled him closer, feeling his taste, realizing that this was all I wanted when I was in New York. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled his face away, staring at me with those hazel eyes that I always admired. 

"Forgive me," he said and laid his head against my shoulders. 

"I do."

I pulled him out so we wouldn't hide in the room from this amazing party that was thrown for me. I don't think I would want to go back to New York when I have such an amazing family here, something that I never cherished. 

I paused the music, getting in the middle. I could feel my pulse rise and the goosebumps spreading throughout my body. I looked at Austin, knowing that his smile was going to fade within seconds broke my heart. 

"I have something to say," I shouted. 

I looked to Austin and mouthed 'forgive me'. 

"My dream was always to be apart of Bryce's Fashion Agency. And I got in!" 

Everybody clapped except for Sarah and Austin. They knew. They knew where it was. 

"But it is in Paris. That means I wouldn't be moving back to New York. I would be going to Paris if I accept this offer." 

I could see Alex and Robert's expression change and I knew I ruined this party. It was supposed to great and happy. I was supposed to beg my parents to not make me move to New York. 

Apart of me wished that I was denied, that I didn't get in. 

I walked up to Austin and I could feel my tears forming at the edge. My voice cracked when I tried to say his name. He didn't say anything but pulled me close and held me tight, what I exactly needed. 

"I'm so sorry." 

He rubbed my back, "Go for your dream. I left you for Miami. Now leave." 

I knew that he didn't mean that in a rude way at all. 

"Dream big baby."

"I love you so much," I cried. 

 But I knew that I would be moving to Paris. I started to see that I was the selfish one when he wanted to move to Miami. I was the reason why we wasted an entire year apart from each other. Now that I am the one chasing for Paris, I found myself apologetic. 

"We love you," Sarah yelled. "We are so proud of you." 

I laughed against Austin as his grip tightens around my waist. 

"I am so extremely proud of you baby. I know we can do this." 

I looked at him and smirked, "do what?"

Austin smiled and groaned loudly, "would Hanna love to become my girlfriend?"

Everybody around us cheered but they soon became silent, making me feel like it was only Austin and me. 

"Yes," I said and I gave him the kiss that I longed for. 

Now seeing how selfish I was with Austin chasing his dream, I am disgusted with my behavior. But I grew and I learned. I know he would support me all the way, that doing this would make me happy. 

I wished I saw that sooner. But I was young and selfish.

But all that matter is that I grew up. 

It was all just a beautiful mistake. We had wasted so much time because of this mistake and for that, I am forever grateful. 

This was an angel in disguise. 

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