05. Enjoy

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"Go join them, Hanna, they're in Alex's house getting ready to go to Houston," my mom called from the kitchen. I was planning already to stay home all day today while they go up to Houston. I wasn't invited but I wouldn't go even if I was.

"I'm staying home, I'm not going there to cheer him on anyway. I'll just ruin the mood," I yawned as I went back upstairs to my room.

"Hanna, you're so stubborn. Watch, you're going to lose all your friends," my mom screamed louder when she heard me traveling up the stairs.

I ignored her knowing that that was impossible to happen. I laid on my bed and went through my phone to see all the pictures my friends had posted. All of them were so happy while packing for their road trip.

I have decided to distract myself and go to the mall where there are a few more hundreds of people to be around. I drove there in my mom's car since her plan was to stay at home to take care of my sister.

"I'm going out, mom," I said, leaving the house and heading my her faint bye in the distance from the car. It wasn't that far, I was hoping I wasn't going to meet anyone. 

When I went in, it wasn't as packed as I thought it would be. I went into a few stores and coming out with a few things that I'd probably be fine without. I saw this girl in the distance, she was arguing with a boy, who I assumed was her boyfriend. He left the scene and she fell to the couch, I could tell that she was in pain. I guess she felt embarrassed because she started to look around.

My knees against felt like jello, but I went towards her. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked, sitting not to close to her so she'd have her own space. She didn't respond at first, I felt very dumb for asking but she finally looked up at me. Her hazel eyes were very vibrant from the light that was directly across from her and her brown hair lazily laid on her shoulders.

"I'm okay, thanks for asking,"

Her name was Andrea and we ended up hanging out the rest of the mall trip together, it wasn't awkward at all. There were many similarities that we had together, such as enjoying the color yellow and loved having short nails.

I walked over to my car and I got a text on my phone. It was Andrea, "do you want to come to a barbecue with me tomorrow over at my friend's house?"

I smiled, with the fact that I finally got plans with my new friend. I replied with a yes and drove home. I still haven't gotten a single text from any of my other friends but I wasn't that bothered. Austin was back, they were obviously very busy.

The very next morning, I had gotten dressed in white shorts along with a loose blue top that was messily tucked in. I was nervous but very excited to meet a new bunch of friends. I waited for a text from Andrea, she was going to drop us both off at the party so it'd be easier.

Before I was able to say anything else, I had realized that we were right outside of Robert's house.

"Andrea, I can't go in," I nervously said while trying to catch my breath. My heart started to beat and she was trying to calm me down.

"Let's just take you home then," her worried face washed all over her face. Before we could get into the car, Robert was at the doorway.

"Hey Andrea, I saw your car and- woah, hey Hanna," he said walking onto the grass. We were both granted hugs from him, I could tell that he was nervous that I was here as well.

"Don't ruin it," he mumbled to me as we walked into the house. My heart started to beat and I felt very unwanted here. To them, I'm just someone that messes everything up.

"How did you know Robert?" She chuckled.

I explained that he was a friend that I grew up with, "what's your history with Villanueva?" I asked while winking at her.

Andrea's face became serious and she exhaled, "I left him for the boy you saw at the mall, but now we are friends. We were never dating, just had a serious flick."

I started to realize, she was the girl that broke Robert's heart from 11 months ago. If he was fine with her, I was going to be as well. I sat on the couch with Andrea, trying to avoid all contact with the boys but that was impossible. It was their party.

I and Andrea stopped talking after hearing some clink clink which was made by Alex with hitting his fork against the glass cup. He stood up on the table and smiled for a split second.

"This is welcome back for two days party to Austin. We are so happy that you're back to be with us and how much you have grown this past year,"

I couldn't find Austin but I heard his voice from behind me, he was behind the couch. "Thank you, Alex, you guys are the best!"

I was hoping that he didn't know I was sitting there but that was too late because Andrea decides to talk to him. "I saw your performance at the Radio Disney, I love your songs," she cheerfully said.

I looked over at her but never back to him but I could feel him looking at me from the side already.

"I remember you, Andrea, right? The one who broke Robert's heart? Go to him, he has a lot to talk to you about," Austin said. He took Andrea's seat after she went looking for him.

I looked over at him, hoping to make him leave me alone. Before we both could say anything, he leaned in and gave me a small peck on the lips. I was so startled by his action, I pushed him off immediately.

He leaned towards my ears and said, "remember the kiss we had two days before I was signed, we were going to work out right? We only didn't because I became successful and you're stuck in Texas."

I looked at him in disbelief, "that is not true, I am not jealous of your music career."

He laughed, "the second guess, I'm thinking that you're attached to me then. Hanna is afraid that I'll leave just like her daddy left her," he whispered into my ears so no one would hear it.

I jumped out of my seat and poured the water onto his face. He got up in a fast speed as well, wiping the liquid off himself.

"I was right. You fucked up our friendship because of something someone else did, you fucked me up and my trust. I thought I could trust you to always be with me and support me. I really thought, didn't I?"

"Austin, you had to go for music? Didn't you?"

"Your dad isn't the only musician. I have been listening to music since I was little, it helped me deal with my things. I'm suppose to give up what I love for what your dad did? You supported my music for the longest," Austin exhaled and just stared at me.

But then he said, "Forget it, enjoy the party.

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