Depression (Pt. II)

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Depression's Snake

Tw; Depression, depressive episode/depressive spell, cursing, I think that's it, let me know if I missed something, on to the story


I was trying to get Envy to at least smile, because according to Emile, smiling is healthy. I didn't know that, and I'm not sure it's true, but who am I to doubt the therapist? We were just sitting on the couch, with cartoons on the television.

"So, how're you feeling."

"Like the shitty black void that was what my heart was supposed to be," Envy replied tiredly.

"Okay...." We both grew silent for a minute. What to say, what to say.... "What do you wanna do?"

"Die in fucking peace."

"Please don't."


"Wanna go check on some of the stuff in my library with me? I need to make sure everything's in the right place." Envy sighed.

"Why not? I don't have anything else to do besides dying, but I can do that later."

"You're not gonna die, Envy."

"All I need is some rope and a chair."

"I don't think I worry about you enough," I said as stood up.

"Probably," Envy said, shrugging, standing as well. We walked to my library in complete, awkward silence after that.

Once we got to my library, I walked over to the 'Split' Section. I grabbed one of the books about King Creativity, and was about to open it when I hesitated, and chuckled. "You remind me of Seth, sometimes, Envy," I said offhandidly.

"Why...?" Envy asked hesitantly. I turned to face him.

"Because, even when you're sad, you don't mind a little chaos."

"Well, chaos is fun...." Envy said, staring down at his boots. His shadow, however, opened its eyes and glared at me. I don't like his shadow, it's intrusive thot incarnate, but its glare ran a shudder down my spine.

Something wasn't normal....

I'll end it there. Sorry it's short, wanted to get this out and didn't really have anything important in this chapter. So, I guess this was kinda filler. See you later, Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals! ✌Peace Out!✌

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