The Darkness (Pt. I)

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Logan and Patton had decided to go along with Deceits idea to switch their talismans. Patton's talisman made Logan feel things. More then usual. And Logan's talisman made Patton's emotions somewhat dulled.

"Hey Dee, what are Envy and Apathy like? We met them a few times, but haven't really met them."

"That's a weird question. Envy and Apathy are some of the craziest sides ever. The other day they managed to set one of Envy's aquariums on fire! How do you set a fucking aquarium on fire!?"

"Language!" Patton said. Deceit rolled his eyes.

"Wait, you claim them to be the craziest sides you've ever known, and yet they have access to fire?"

"You don't understand. No matter how many times I give Remy the key to the case to the flamethrower- and I see were I didn't fail."

"You gave Remy the key to your flamethrower?"

"You have a flamethrower?!" Patton screeched, then went on about how immoral it was to own weapons. Dee was gonna mention how they let Roman harbor a sword. But he didn't and let the moral side drone a bit.

"Wanna know more about the supposeed 'Dark Sides' or not?"



"Well, let's start with Apathy. He won't hesitate to kill you on sight. Or, if he's busy he'd have the guards do it. But that's only if he was in a bad mood. He doesn't care either way usually though. One thing though, don't mess with Envy. Especially if Apathy is near. Just, if we see Envy, be nice. Or Apathy will hurt you. More then likely at least."

"Wow. That... That's interesting."

"Trust me, the Dark Sides are not weird."

"And what about Envy?"

"I'm pretty sure he has a bunch of traps around the place.... There his 'harmless jokes'. We don't let him talk to Pranks after they both destroyed our house while trying to create a silent smoke bomb."

"Don't those exist, though?"

"They do, but they didn't wanted to make their own. Envy was grounded from his alchemy set for a month."

"'Alchemy set?'"

"You guys ask a lot of questions."

"And you have a lot of answers."

"What? I know everey secret ever told by the Sides. And before you ask, most of the Sides. Anyway, do you want more dirt on the 'Dark Sides' or not?"

"We'll take whatever you're selling, I guess."

"Good." And Deceit ranted about how annoying Envy and Apathy were, but soon enough they arrived on the outskirts of the Dark-scape. "Oh, we're here. Be prepared for the worst," Deceit said, smirking.

"That doesn't sound good," Patton muttered, but followed the Deceitful trait into the Dark Scape.

Short chapter! Sry, but I really had this chapter as an excuse to give a bit more exposition on Envy and Apathy. Anyway, bye Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals! ✌Peace Out!✌

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