Cursed Light (Pt. I)

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Requesting the Kings

TW; Suicide mention, Depression mention, Remus mention, Implied insomnia, Insomnia, implied/mentioned memory erasing, mention of a character going mute (is that offensive? please let me know if that's offensive), mentions of a mourning period, let me know if I missed something!


When Patton passed out, the guards were distracted and I was able to slip into the castle unnoticed. I sighed as the door shut itself, like in a haunted house. "Now, where is the throne room....?" I looked around, and then turned down the left hall. Everything still seemed to be the same as all those years ago... It's nice to see all these thigs again... Roman and Virgil took them when they left to the Light Side. Envy had spent months, years, plotting his revenge... Then in the middle of pranking them he burnt himself out and barely had the energy to get out of bed.

Ah aren't those the times. I remember Remy once hosted a huge party, and everyone got drunk. That's actually how Envy and Apathy had their first kiss! We also had this tradition where we would have a masquerade ball every year, oh how I missed that!

Wait, where was I? I looked around, and saw a bunch of people bustling around, working their asses off to make stuff. Oh. It was one of the kitchens. I could of sworn this place got smaller, since the last time Virgil and Roman were the rulers here.... Now I was in a ballroom. Where the hell is the damn throne room?! "Hey," a voice said.

I jumped and turned. It was a certain insomniac, lazily sipping his (likely 500) cup of Starbucks. "Oh. Remy. You're Roman and Virgil's Advisor, do you know where the throne room is?"


"Because, a certain pair of Lights want to meet with the kings."

"Okay, then... Well, I can't speak for them, but I don't want to see them."

"No one likes seeing them, but we can't help it!"

"We do have walls."

"And Envy has tunnels that lead almost anywhere, from here to Emile's realm."

"That's fair."

"Man, us 'Dark Sides' need help, don't we?"

"Why do you think we see a wonderfully hot therapist named Emile Picani?"

"You make a fair point, Insomnia."

Remy laughed, and bowed mock-formally. "Would you care to dance, Lord Danger-Noodle?"

I laughed and took his hand. "Why not?"

"Great!" Remy snapped and music mysteriously started playing. I recognized the tune as Pacify Her by Melanie Martinez.

"Remy, you emo dork."

"What? I know you like it too!" Remy said, smiling we danced and Remy sang as we did so. His voice reminded me of all the memories here. Even the embarassing ones some of the others asked me to erase, and the bad ones.

"Tired, blue boy walks my way
Holding a girls hand
That basic bitch leaves finally
Now I can take her man"

The split up of the mind between Light and Dark, Roman becoming Pride so Remus wouldn't be lonely, and he could still be a king. Deirdre and Virgil entertain us all by shapeshifting into the Light Sides and doing poor impressions of them.

"Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours
But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?"

Patton almost forcing Roman come to the Light Side. He doesn't budge. We have a castle warming party without the Lights.

"Pacify her
She's getting on my nerves You don't love her
Stop lying with those words"

We meet Emi, after he had an argument with Logan and Patton over something religious-based, I beleive. Deirdre has a breakdown, we all get drunk, and the next day Roman is hanging from the chandlier, Virgil's on the couch half naked, and the castle is completely destroyed on the inside. Remus made us breakfast of venison heart. Very... sweet in a morbid way.

"Pacify her
She's getting on my nerves You don't love her
Stop lying with those words"

Remus disappears. Virgil and Deirdre create the shadow realm; or, the 'Nightmare Horror Room'. That's where Remus is put. Deirdre's shadow. Remus' room is converted into a guest room, but no one uses it, or unlocks the door. Deirdre's depression get's worse.

"I can't stand her whining
Where's her binky now?
And loving her seems tiring
So boy, just love me, down, down, down"

Patton starts being nicer, and Deirdre attempts suicide for the first time. He goes mute for the rest of the week. Virgil meets Remy for the first time. We learn that Deirdre can actually tranfer other peoples depression into himself. We manage to get Deirdre to open up, and Emile becomes his therapist.

"Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours
But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?"

Our first masquerade ball. Oh how lovely it was. Everyone wore what they wanted, and no one could completely tell who was who, unless you knew their eyes. I remember Emile, Roman, and Deirdre wore dresses. The first time any of us Dark Sides shapeshift into animal forms, as well. And we learn sides can't nessecarily die unless specific conditions are met

"Pacify her
She's getting on my nerves
You don't love her
Stop lying with those words"

Apathy is formed. Deirdre was getting worse. We all get drunk again and learn Apathy can read lips, as well as play truth or dare. most of us almost get killed, as we had no regards to safety to others or ourselves. We learn Deirdre can read sign language.

"Pacify her
She's getting on my nerves
You don't love her
Stop lying with those words"

Remy is formally introduced into the group, and Patton slowly starts getting worse again. Deirdre commits suicide. Virgil goes into a mourning period over his brothers death. Everyone is distraught and upset. We don't see Emile for a while.

"Pacify her
She's getting on my nerves
You don't love her
Stop lying with those words"

Envy comes into play, Remy becomes Insomnia, and Roman and Virgil go to the Light Side. They change. Envy plays a prank on us by setting the kitchen on fire. Actually, that was dual effort on his and Apathy's part. Emile comes back. Things get a bit more normal around here. Then we all get drunk at a party Remy hosted, and Envy and Apathy have an intense makeout session before they decide to get together.

"Pacify her
She's getting on my nerves
You don't love her
Stop lying with those words"

I learn Apathy and Envy's real names, due to a playlist I found on Apathy's Spotify.

Then we're here. "I missed this place," I said. "Even with all the shit that's happened, this place was a safe haven for so many figments, characters, and functions..."

Remy chuckled. "Yeah, this place has been quite the funspot."

"Anyway, I think we might as well go let the Lights in, we completely forgot to ask the Kings though."

"Who cares, they'll appreciate it."

"You said you could speak for them."

"Oh, did I? Anyway, let's go."

"Yeah." So we walked away to see if the Lights were up to talk with the Kings.

Whaaaaat two chapters in one day? I know, crazy. But I have to sleep, so don't expect more until... Saturday, I guess. Maybe sooner. Tomoroww is Friday for me, which means the weekend is gonna be here soon for me. I'll write as much as possible! No promises. See you later, Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals! ✌Peace Out!✌

Darker Than He Seems| |Sanders Sidesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें