
412 11 2

Tw; Cursing, blood, cutting, implied suicide attempt/overdose, hospitals

---Time Lapse---


Deceit paced around the guest room he had taken residence in within the Mind Palace. It was simple, choose the one that would benefit you more. Wedding or Call back. The obvious choice would be the call back! It wasn't like this was a life or death situation! Mary Lee and Lee would understand, this was a huge deal! Why go to a wedding you don't want to go to when you can go to a big call back for a possible big break!

Patton had been excited about the wedding, but because it was Thomas' friends. However, no one else was. Whenever it was brought up, Roman got upset, Virgil grew anxious, Logan just rolled his eyes. Remy would sip his coffee and ignore the topic completely, Apathy would crack his pphone screen on "accident", and Envy would just sag his shoulders and pout.

However, when the time came to actually talk about the callback vs. the wedding, everyone turned on Deceit for sticking up for the opportunity of a fucking life time! Just one shot, is all he was asking for. No one, not even Thomas, wanted to go to the wedding, Thomas said so from his own mouth!

But no, Patton won, because he's "Morality". Some Morality, forcing someone to go to something they don't want to in exchange for a massive chance to star in a movie. Oh wait, Roman was the one to deliver the sentence, not Patton. And he wanted to go to the wedding even less then Deceit! As Dee walked into the Lights kitchen, he saw Remy getting coffee. "That sunk like a lead balloon," Remy said.

"Oh you think?" Deceit said sarcastically. "Where's Apathy and Envy?"

"Um, Apathy is heading back to check on the castle now, I'm about to head out to join him, and Envy, I- I'm not sure. He wasn't looking to good last time I saw him," Remy said.

"And that was when?"

"Off the top of my head? An hour ago, I think. Or was it yesterday?"

"You need to sleep, Remy. I'm not going to find Envy, have fun checking on the castle." Deceit walked upstairs and towards the guest rooms. He knocked softly on Envy's room door. "Envy?"

He got no reply.

"Envy? I'm gonna come in," Deceit said. He opened the door. It was unlocked, which was weird. Envy always made sure to lock his door. When Dee opened the door, the first thing he noticed was the fact that Envy's fish seemed.... normal. And that wasn't a good sign. He also noticed the empty pill bottle, a spilled cup of Starbucks, and a bloody knife. Dee looked beside the bed, and found Envy, unconscious, barely breathing, with still bleeding cuts on his wrists. Deceit was about to panic, but managed to keep his cool somehow. Dee gulped and reached to check Envy's pulse. Deceit sighed in releif. He still had a pulse, so that was good.

He picked up the jealous trait and set him gently on the bed. Then he summoned some banages and medical supplies, and proceeded to clean Envy's cuts. He wrapped bandages around them, and then proceeded to teleport himself and Envy to the Imagination were they had actual hospitals for whenever Roman nearly got himself killed.

After they got Envy to the ER, Deceit proceeded to panic. One of his friends just tried to overdose. That... That was not good. After he calmed down a bit, Remy called him. Talk about timing. Deceit thought as he answered. "Hello?" Deceit said, voice calm and smooth as always.

"Hey, Dee, just calling to let you know that Apathy and I are almost at the castle. You didn't come down after checking on Envy, is everything alright?"

"Uh, yeah, fine. Perfectly fine."

"You're lying," Remy said simply.

"Okay, Don't tell Apathy this but I think Envy just attempted suicide?"

"Wait what?! Why?!"

"How am I supposed to know?! I just found him in his room, with cuts on his wrist, an empty pill bottle, and a spilled Starbucks cup, and I definately didn't panic! And now I'm at the fucking hospital waiting for news on whether or not he's alive right now!"

"Should we head back??"

Deceit sighed. "No, no, I'll handle this, you should continue checking on the state of things at the castle, I can handle this."

"You said you could handle this twice," Remy noted.

"I'm trying to convince myself," Deceit admitted. "I'll see you tomorrow or so?"

"Yeah, we should be back tomorrow evening. But if we're not, I'm gonna call Emile and ask for him to head over to the Lights house to keep an eye on Envy," Remy said, sighing.

"Okay, the help would be greatly appreciated," Dee said.

"Kay, see you soon."

"Bye." Deceit hung up. Now, all he had to do, was wait for the news about Envy.

We are about to enter the last arc of the story, the 'Depression' Arc. You have no idea how excited I am for this arc, like, no idea. The next five chapters are gonna be filled to the brim with darkness. Good luck, Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals! ✌Peace Out!✌

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