
505 13 19

Tw; arguing, slight panic attack

---Time Lapse---


The next day, Patton and Logan woke up as usual. It was a normal day. Patton would be the first up and would make everyone breakfast, then Logan would wake up and make himself some coffee, Virgil and Roman and the Dark Sides would come and get breakfast- Hold up!

Dark Sides?! Last Patton checked, they had their own realm, and they didn't usually surprise the Lights when they came. Patton made sure of that with his alarms! "I invited them over to stay while the Dark Scape is, um, under constuction, hope you don't mind," Virgil said.

"N- no, I don't mind, but what happened there?" Patton asked, concerned.

"This time it was not mine or Apathy's fault," Envy said immediately, chugging his coffee to avoid further conversation.

"Actually, it was, because Deceit let you play with matches," Remy said, annoyed.

"No, it was you who gave them the matches, Remy!" Deceit accused.

"Let's just leave it at the house accidentally burnt down," Apathy said. The Lights nodded, it seemed like a genuine excuse. Who knows, it could of happened. but most importantly, this was an opportunity, and Patton wouldn't hesitate to take it. Everyone ate in a semi comfortable silence from that point on.

Later that day, Patton confronted the Dark Sides. Envy was being forced to wash dishes as a punishment (he is still grounded) while Apathy and Deceit sat in the kitchen watching him suffer. Apathy was tempted to help his boyfriend, but he's cause more harm than good. What? Drying plates with fire isn't as safe as he thought it was a few months ago. "I hate you both," Envy said.

"Do you want to be ungrounded or not?" Deceit asked.

"Depends, how long was I to be grounded for?" Envy asked.

"Four months or so," Apathy said. Envy mumbled to himself for a moment, then dropped the dishes into the sink.

"I can handle four months without a crossbow and leaving the house, I almost never went outside anyway," Envy said, plopping down next to Deceit and Apathy, who were playing poker with Halloween candy. "Oh hi Patton. Wassup?"

"Hey!" Patton sat down at the table as well. "I just wanted to talk, is all."

"About what," Deceit said, eyeing his cards carefully.

"Oh, you know, stuff. Like your names and if you wanted new Talismans to become Light Sides," Patton said the last part in a rush. Apathy froze, Deceit glared at his cards, and Envy fell out of his chair. "Like I said, stuff."

Envy stood up in a hurry, his eyes wide and a brighter green then normal. "That is nOt JuSt stuff, MoRaLitY! It's aSkInG iF wE want to cHaNgE wHo We ArE!! As if it;s some simple topic yOu CaN gLosS oVeR wHiLe StUdYiNg!! My answer, is nO, and wIlL aLwAyS bE no!!" While Envy spoke, it was like his voice couldn't decide on echo or no echo. Envy stormed off, lights dimming around him and the shadows on the wall curling away from him as much as possible.

"Well that was a bit of an overreaction, it was just a question," Patton said. Apathy bid all his candy and placed down three aces and a set of kings. "Sorry Pat, but that's not a simple question, not to Envy, and not to me. You can have the candy Dee, I'm gonna go check on my boyfriend." Apathy got up and walked after the jealous trait.

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