Hidden Fears

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Real quick TW: Nightmares, Mentions/Impliments of Insomnia and lack of Sleep, Mentions of Suicide and Depression (personified as, well, a Side), Mentions of Death, Cursing (is that a big surprise, Remy is in this chapter), Everyone is just a bit OOC so...





                                                               Get rid of him.

                                                                                                                  Why is he still here?




They... They Don't really mean it, do they? My friends wouldn't say that. They, they trust me!

"Get lost, Pride."  I winced. That one hurt. But, how did they know? Virgil's eyes glew bright purple. "How could a Dark Side like you become a Light Side? You don't do anything for Thomas." No, that wasn't true! I tried to blink away my tears. I do help Thomas!

I turned to Patton, whose eyes were a glowing light blue, nearly white. "It's not like we need you. Three Light Sides are enough. Why don't you crawl back to the Dark Sides like the petty little runt you are?"

No! Please! I couldn't stop the tears at this point. Why would they say things like that?! No, none of that was true! Looking at Logan, his eyes were a darker blue than Pattons, close to an indigo color. "You really are idiotic. You thought I wouldn't recognize that crown, Pride? You have such ludicrous delusions."

This couldn't be real! They all trusted me! They were all my friends! They.... They were my family! I've tried so hard to change from who I used to be, I took on a new role, I tried my best to look at all of your guys' sides during arguments, and yet the moment the truth is revealed that I'm different, that I was a Dark Side, they all turn on me. Why.... Why, why, why, why, why, why, why!!!! Why..... Everything soon faded to black, and I woke up.


I opened my eyes. That was a terrifying nightmare. I didn't even realize it was a dream until I woke up. I sat up in bed and wiped my eyes. Huh, must've started crying in my sleep as well. This wasn't the first time I've had nightmares, but this was the worst, deffinately. I glared at my crown, sitting on my desk for a moment before I got up, got dressed, and headed downstairs for breakfast. I hope Virgil slept beter than me.


I woke up from a nightmare. About what? I don't remember. I just remember feeling helpless and lost, with no idea what to do. If Remy ever did his job, I'm sure some of these things could be avoided.I sighed and got my phone and turned it on.  It was almost noon. Great, Patton's bound to be worried. I got up, slipped my sweatshirt on over my pajama's and headed downstairs. Patton was making breakfast while Logan drank coffee (probably) and Roman watched Disney movies on the television. We could use he television for movie nights, but no, Princey had to be as extra as possible and create an entire movie room which we hardly use! I sat down next to Roman anyway, sitting on the arm of the couch. "Good morning, Panic! at the Everywhere," Roman said, his usual boyant voice raspy and tired.

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