Pride; Anxiety; & Missing Pieces

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I paced around in my room. It was movie night and I couldn't focus on anything. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to wear our old outfits as Halloween costumes.... Virgil definately didn't like it. I sighed and stared at my closet. 'Wear me, you know you want to.... You're a shadow of who you once were.'  Ugh. My crown. I rolled my eyes and stood. Time for movie night, anyway. It'd be good to get out of my room for a while anyway. I walked downstairs into the movie room to find Virgil sitting on the counter drinking soda, Logan sitting on the couch with a drink, and Patton getting popcorn.

"Hey Princey," Virgil said. Even with his old outfit, he still had his jacket. Of course, it's his Talisman.

"Hello, Emo Nightmare!"

"Hey kiddo!"

"Padre! So," I plopped down on the couch on the opposite end Logan was at, "what movie are we going to watch?"

"I was thinking Nightmare Before Christmas?" Virgil suggested.

"We alway watch that one during October."

"Then how 'bout Black Couldron?"

"No songs, plus, Patton could get scared."

"Then how about Hocus Pocus?" Patton sugested.

"Excellent idea, Padre! Are you up for it, Virgil?"


"Alrighty then! We're watching Hocus Pocus!!" I said, snapping my fingers. The intro to Hocus Pocus started playing on the movie screen.

"Wait! I'm not sitting down yet!" Patton said, running over and snuggling up to Logan. Virgil walked over and sat on the floor next to me.

The Sanderson Sisters were getting hung and talking about their curse on the Black Candle when Virgil said, "What if this was a documentary, and Thomas was actually related to the Sanderson Sisters. I mean, part of their last name is Thomas's last name."

I looked at him. "Have you been sleeping at all lately?"

"Yeah, you don't need to worry about my sleep schedule Princey. It's better than Remy's at least."

"You make a fair argument, Virgil."

"Thank you. And I've been watching conspiracy theories, so that might be where that idea came from."

"That makes sense, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance."

"Guys, it's movie night, let's get along," Patton said. I glanced at Virgil.

"We're not fighting??"

"Oh, I was worried for a second. Haha, sorry guys." Patton was cuddled up next to Logan, who had an arm draped across Patton's shoulders. They're totally dating.

"Patton, you don't always have to worry about everyone else," Logan said.

"I know, Lo," Patton laid his head on Logan's shoulder, "I've just been on edge sense Envy and Apathy visited... Those two put me off, for some reason." Hearing Patton say that put me off. Patton see's the good in everyone we ever come across. But knowing he feels wary of two of the most harmless Dark Sides is.... Unsettling, to say the least.

"Weren't we here to watch a movie? Not have deep, inter-personal revelations and character develpoment?" Virgil said, taking a sip of his soda.

"Yes, why don't we just continue watching the movie? It is movie night, you know!" I said. Everyone agreed and we continued watching the movie. Let's hope the rest of October is decent enough, with no more surprises.

HI!!!!! I  hope you enjoyed this chapter, I certainly enjoyed writing it. The next chapter..... WHOO is that one something. Starting now, I've got some big plans for the book, so expect more regular-ish updates. No promises, but I'm hoping I can get two more chapters in today. See ya later, Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals! ✌Peace Out!✌

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