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Tw; mentions of violence, insanity, magic, curses, stories, and probably other things, let me know what I missed

Long chapter....


They were stuck.

There was no way out.

Neither of them could slip through the bars.

Or even find the key.

It was probably on Apathy.

Their 'friends' betrayed them.





"Patton, love, were you listening?" Patton shook his head no. He wasn't listening to Logan, just dwelling.

"I was saying that this could be a good chance to think back and see if we ever remember either of them were Dark Sides. I don't believe they've ever mentioned it, though."

"No, I don't think I've heard either of them mention it either."

"Course not," Envy said, appearing and leaning on the cell door opposite of Logan and Patton's prison. "Doubt you even remember Virgil's scars...." Envy rubbed absently at his wrist, were a burn scar was still there, no matter how many times he'd tried to shapeshift it away. Then he noticed Patton and Logan, who seemed to had managed to tumble all the way back to the wall. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to scare you," Envy smiled, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Did they throw you into prison too?" Patton asked. Envy shook his head.

"Nah. I just had a messege to deliver." A chill filled the air, and the shadows bent towards Envy, whispering to him. "Yeah, geez, I know, you don't have to be so loud, dammit." They whispered to him a little more. "I hate you too, anyway, the message is more of a story from...... A friend. Someone neither of you've ssen in a long time. I just remeber finding the story in my room one day. Anyway, let's stsrt from the beginning. Mainly cuase that'd make most sense and were else would you start reading a story-"


"Right, sorry. Back on topic." Envy cleared his throat and recited the story from memory. "Once, not long ago, a king ruled. He had several accomplices; He was also still just a boy. He wasn't ready to be king, thought the people. He was childish, but serious all at once. He didn't take to unjust punishments well. He worked well, was creative, and only went against his royal caretakers wishes when it was nessecary, for the good of his people. For you see, the royal caretaker had some rather high standards. No killing. No fighting. And many other Moral arguments against some of the things the kingdom needed. So he disobeyed often.

"One day, he was tired of the endless disobeying. The royal caretaker used his prowess and knowledge to forcibly split the King into two seperae beings, now known as the Royal twins. One was a Duke, the other was a Prince. The royalcaretaker took the one he thought would behave the best with him, and cast out the other. The other grew jealous, unstable, and eventually, come his and his twins eighteenth birthday, he snapped.

"The Duke wanted attention to. He showed his thoughts through his art. Nothing like his brothers beautiful creations, but darker. More twisted. Rather morbid. His unstabe mindset grew until it was all too much. He attempted to destroy his brother. But instead, a young shadow mage got rid of him, trapping him. But in his own mind, and his own shadow. Now, a shadow mage was forced to endure the suffering of the mind of the Duke. But he agreed with the Duke about one thing, no matter what else they disagreed on. That the royalcaretaker had choosen unfairly. That there was no such thing as dark or light, good or evil.

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