Aftermath of ANXIETY

594 15 37

Tw; Cursing, arguing, memory loss/memory wipe


Patton and Logan had fallen asleep. The next day, they were trying to avoid the subject of Virgil and Roman. It wasn't that they didn't have anything to say, they just didn't know how to say it. The weather reflected Pattons mood, it was dull and grey. Clouds were covering the sky, but held no threat of rain anytime soon.

Logan didn't question the clouds. Patton was obviously upset about the events of the last day or two. No one could blame him. His Dark Strange Son(TM) was gone. Well, with the Dark Sides. But why did he leave? We've gone over Roman, but what about Virgil?

Didn't he feel accepted?

Wasn't he happy?

Granted, he has a connection with the Darks, just like he does with the Lights. He cared about them, and was pretty sure they needed more responsible figures so they don't completely destroy the Dark Scape. It was weird. Whay happened that made him decide to leave?



"I'm completely against this!" I said.

"You're just cranky we took away your crossbow privellages," Virgil said.

"We need to apologize for not letting them out sooner," Roman stated.

"Oh, I don't mean that, I mean this stupid child leash you put on me! I'm a grown fucking adult! You didn't do this to Apathy when he killed your guards!"

'But you're really short, Envy.'

'Shut the fuck up.'

"That time was an accident. You killed them on purpose!"

"Did you want your friends to become piles of blood and guts?"

"No, but there are always better ways to solve problems." I crossed my arms.

"I hate you guys."

"Envy," Deceit said probably annoyed with me. "What goes through your head?!"

'Murder. Mayhem. Destruction.'

Cake sounds good right now.. Did I feed my hammerheads today?? No matter what, I will get my revenge. "Normal stuff," I replied.

"I highly doubt that, but okay," Deceit said.

"Why are you coming, you didn't do anything??" Apathy asked.

"I need to get some books from my library. Just for some light reading."

"You library is full of memories," Remy pointed out.

"It's not like the ones I need to get are important."

"Now I don't beleive that."


Patton and Logan were watching a movie, when alarms went off and the lights started  flashing red. Logan jumped and nearly fell out of his seat when the alarms sounded. "Hey, the alarms work," Patton said. He snapped and they turned off.

"What?!" Logan exclaimed.

"Alarms I set to warn us if a Dark Side."

"Why?" Logan asked. Patton shrugged and the doorbell rang. Logan walked to the door and opened it. He found the Dark Sides there, Remy sipping Starbucks, Envy on what looked like a leash, and Roman and Virgil smiling hesitantly. "Hello?"

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