Cursed Light (Pt. II)

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Insomnia or Sleep?


I did not want to face the Lights. For a multitude of reasons. One of them being I hadn't slept in a week at least, and I felt like I would collapse and pass out cold at any given moment. I was also hyped up on a enough coffee to power a nuclear bomb. So both of those things combined cancelled each other out nicely enough that I was pretty sure I wouldn't pass out right now.

But you know, I once passed out in a Starbucks; it's hard to tell when fatigue will manage to catch up to me. I followed Dee back to the front enterance, and walked out with him, only to see a barely conscious Patton, and a Very Concerned(TM) Logan. But he was immediately distracted by the fact I was actualy here, it seemed. "Remy?"

"That's my name, don't were it out!" I smirked at him, and took a sip of coffee. 

"Remy, what are you doing here? I thought you said there was a concert in your ream that 'needed attending' earlier?"

"A concert?" Dee raised an eyebrow at me.

"What? It's the first thing I thought of. I didn't nessecarily want or think I'd have to tell them I was going to help renovate this place even before the two idiots came back, I just figured it was valuable. Wait-"

"You need some serious sleep, Remy," Dee said pinching the bridge of his nose, sighing and cutting me off. "And do deny me on this one, it's not like you're Insomnia," Dee mumbled. I noticed the little, obvious and blunt lies mixed into his words. So technically, what he meant to say was; "And don't deny me on this one, you are Insomnia." At least, that's what I thought he meant. I shrugged and faced our obviously confused guests.

"I'll sleep when I'm dead. So Dee-Dee tells me you want to meet the kings?"

"Wait, you didn't answer my question!"

"Didn't I...?"

"Rem, you need sleep, and you didn't."

"I could of sworn I did though." I took a sip of coffee. "Whatever, let's go, gurls," I turned and walked gay into the wall. "Ow."

"That had to hurt," Logan said.

I turned back around. "It didn't really, though."

"Remy, sweetheart, I'm pretty sure you just broke your nose." I touched my nose lightly and winced. Yeah, probably broken. Just my luck!

"Fuck," I said.

"Mmnmmnuh.... l- language," Patton mumbled, still barely conscious. I rolled my eyes behind my sunglasses.

"Well, let's get going,"I nodded to the door.

"Can you at least answer my question?"

"If you want. Nia." And I walked back into the castle (successfully, this time) while taking a sip of coffee, not even making sure the others were following me.


"'Nia'?" Logan quoted. Deceit siged and looked back towaards the open castle door.

"Somethings even I'm not allowed to say. It's th- his own secret, don't force Rem to talk about it though."

"Okay, that's fair.... but... 'Dee-Dee'?"

Deceit blushed. "Not a single word more, let's go before Rem leaves us behind." Deceit hurriedly walked after Remy.

"How peculiar," Logan said. He picked Patton up bridal style and walked into the Dark Side Castle. "I just guess we'll have to see what he means in time."

Hey, I'm sorry I got this out kinda late and it's kinda short! But like, I really only had inspiration for this chapter cause I did not sleep last night and now I'm ridiculously tired and functioning on like, one proper braincell. I didn't even get a cup of coffee so that's fun. So, see you arounf, Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals! ✌Peace Out!✌

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