The next day went by less frantically, now that they'd at least temporarily sated their desire for each other. As usual, Lexa woke up first, somehow ending up under Clarke as her wife was splayed out on top of her.
At the sight of Clarke completely asleep on her chest, Lexa had to smile.
She looked like an angel, the way she was so comfortably curled up into Lexa's warmth, clutching her so tightly, it was as if Lexa were liable to disappear at any moment.
Her beautiful body was bare, only the sheets covering them both from the waist down. Clarke's body was littered with carefully placed hickies, and Lexa knew she'd be hearing it from her wife later. (Fondly, of course).
Lexa didn't dare move, instead closing her eyes and simply relaxing until Clarke woke up on her own. She didn't blame her- they'd spent every last bit of energy they had simply making love to each other, and even as a professional athlete- Lexa had to admit it was physically demanding.
But Clarke woke up with such a happy expression that Lexa forgot all about whatever aches and pains she was going to have.
"Hey." Clarke rumbled, voice thick with sleepiness and her usual husky quality.
Lexa found it so endearing, she clutched Clarke a little more tightly.
"Hey, love." Lexa traced soft patterns on her back. "How'd you sleep?"
"I don't think I moved once." Clarke informed her, glancing up to look at her favorite eyes in the world. "How do you feel, baby? I didn't wear you out, did I?"
Lexa rolled her eyes. "You'd like to think so, wouldn't you?"
"So, last night was fun..." Clarke drawled, propping her head up on her arm as she rolled off Lexa, turning to her side to face her instead. She drew a finger up Lexa's chest. "Wanna...do it again sometime?"
Lexa chuckled. "This is a two week trip." Lexa mused. "I'm sure it might come up again."
Clarke's eyes widened. "Two weeks sounded like a long time at first, but now..."
"We can extend the trip." Lexa offered hastily. "As long as you want, Klark, I just thought that you'd miss home-"
Clarke cut her off with a kiss to the cheek.
"You have to get back for training, and I'm sure this place will be booked up after. It's too gorgeous not to be. I mean, this is nice, even by private island standards." Clarke sighed, glancing out their expansive window towards the view of the beach, and the rest of the island.
Lexa was smiling to herself all the while. "You really like this place that much?" She asked, careful not to let too much emotion slip out with the question.
"Yeah." Clarke murmured, finding Lexa's hand to hold it with her own. "Thank you for choosing this place, Lex."
Lexa's smile didn't fade. She licked her lips, carefully considering what she was going to say, before opening her mouth. "You know, it's brand new? I hear we're the first to live in it." Lexa ventured, watching Clarke's brows lift at the information.
"Really? Who owns this place, I wonder?" Clarke thought aloud. "Someone like...a prince. Or a tech zillionaire. Or...maybe Oprah!"
Lexa snorted, laughing at Clarke's unexpected guess.
"Probably not." Lexa murmured amusedly.
"Yeah, well, do you know?" Clarke prodded her.
"No. I rented through an agency." Lexa offered a little shrug. "But I'll build you one, if that's what you want." She drawled, dripping the same lofty, confident attitude that got Clarke all the way back in high school.
"Good luck matching this place." Clarke teased, rising from the bed.
Lexa was distracted by Clarke's naked figure, and she lost her train of thought as she once again admired how Clarke was truly the most beautiful person to ever exist.
Clarke, to her credit, was thinking the exact same thing about Lexa, admiring the way the thin white sheet was sheer enough to show her much of Lexa's body.
"Why do I smell breakfast? Wasn't I sleeping on top of you this whole time?" Clarke looked adorably confused.
"The chefs." Lexa reminded.
"They're here?" Clarke's eyes widened and she glanced back comically.
"They know better than to intrude." Lexa chuckled. "They're already on their way out."
Clarke just stopped, staring at Lexa, shaking her head slowly.
"What?" Lexa blinked, lashes fluttering.
"This is...so fucking cool." Clarke was giddy.
Lexa mirrored her grin, taking her offered hand as she rose up from the bed. When she reached for the silk robe, hanging on the edge of the bed, Clarke shook her head.
"No clothes." Clarke demanded. "New rule." Her eyes gave one more appreciative rake of Lexa's body before giving her a soft pat on the ass, drawing a yelp from her wife.
Lexa was lazing out in the sun, on the deck of the villa by the pool. True to her promise, she hadn't worn anything, and Clarke was having the hardest time just...functioning.
Originally, she'd gone about getting some of the art supplies she'd packed at the bottom of her bag (she knew she was going to have some drool-worthy sights on this trip). When she stepped outside, though, she was greeted by a view so absolutely breathtaking that she almost fell over.
Lexa's tan figure was stretched out on the daybed, enjoying the sun, eyes closed.
From her long legs, to her abs, to the way she was peacefully resting with her arms behind her head- she was perfection.
She looked absolutely breathtaking, and Clarke was reminded that she was, in fact, married to a model.
How that had happened, she had no idea.
Trying not to make any noise, Clarke went about taking a seat on a chair some ways away from Lexa, knowing that if she came too close, she might ruin the perfect setup for her drawing.
"Should I roll over or would you prefer to get this side first?" Lexa didn't even open her eyes, but her smirk told her that she'd caught Clarke red handed.
"Dude." Clarke groaned in faux-disappointment.
Lexa made a face. "I prefer baby." She teased, and Clarke sighed, shaking her head.
"You heard me coming from a mile away, didn't you?"
Lexa shook her head. "I'll pose for you any time, you don't have to sneak up on me."
Clarke set her supplies aside, rising to come over to the edge of the daybed.
"Well, now that I know you're awake, there are better things to do with our time." Clarke wore a mischievous little smile. "Any room for me on here?"
Lexa's smile lit up Clarke's whole world, as she lifted her arms, immediately drawing Clarke into them.
Lexa was warm, radiating heat, and Clarke felt herself lulled into her touch. She felt drunk on love, attraction, affection. She felt absolutely consumed by it. She wanted to be as close to Lexa as much as she could, for as long as she could.
"What have you been doing out here?" Clarke mused, their legs tangling almost instantly.
Lexa reached beside her, producing a bowl of fruit from beside the bed. "I've been indulging."
"You bad, bad girl." Clarke tsked. "Fruit? What's next? Whole-fat milk? Non-organic kale?" She soothed her teasing, resting a soft hand on Lexa's chest.
"Well I was going to feed you, but if you want to make fun of me..." Lexa pouted.
Clarke grinned, leaning forward to kiss Lexa's pout, teasingly pulling Lexa's bottom lip between her own. She watched Lexa's eyes widen in surprise, and she felt something spark up inside her core all over again.
Lexa's lips were soft, and she released them with some reluctance.
Lexa blinked a few times, as if coming back to earth. "...What was I saying?" She mumbled.
"I think..." Clarke drawled, reaching for a small slice of pineapple from the bowl. "We were going to feed each other." She pressed the fruit against Lexa's lips, watching as a droplet of juice trickled down the corner of Lexa's mouth, and onto her chin. Lexa ate the pineapple, blissfully unaware of what she was doing to Clarke.
Clarke leaned over, boldly licking the juice from Lexa's lips, her thumb reaching out to catch the drop on Lexa's chin.
"How does it taste?" Clarke murmured, voice gravelly with desire.
"Sweet." Lexa whispered.
"I have to say, watching you eat fruit is a strangely arousing experience." Clarke grinned. She suddenly felt compelled to straddle her wife, coming face to face with her.
Lexa's hands immediately came to rest on her hips, securing her into place like they always did.
"I love you." Clarke declared, her hands cupping Lexa's cheeks. "I just want to tell you how much, okay?"
"Okay." Lexa chuckled, but the twinkle in her eyes belied her cool demeanor. Never in her life had she imagined having someone so wholly devoted to loving her. She didn't know how she could ever go back and show her younger self that, yes, there was someone out there who would love her unconditionally, who thought all her quirks were adorable. Best of all, Clarke loved Lexa for simply being herself. She had no expectations, no demands, she only wanted to spend as much time with Lexa as she could.
"Let's get the obvious stuff out of the way." Clarke waved a hand. "Yes, it's very cool that you're...a celebrity." Clarke blew out a breath, laughing at the words. "That's weird to say. Like, you're famous. I married a famous person."
"Cool?" Lexa snorted, amusement etched into her expression. "I had to book us a private island in hopes of preventing cameras from following us here. And I'd like to remind you that Clarke Griffin-Woods is a household name in modern art." Lexa tapped her nose playfully.
Clarke looked away bashfully for a second, before picking up where she'd left off.
"But all that aside...you're just..." Clarke searched for the words. She'd imagined this moment more than she'd have admitted. It was hard, to convey the sort of love they had, with words alone. "I'm a little obsessed with you." Clarke settled, sighing. "Not in a weird way but just...I've never met anyone who was so beautiful, inside and out. Lex, you have the biggest heart. Your family is everything to you. You have the cutest laugh, the sexiest smiles, and I love everything about you. I love..." Clarke traced her fingers down Lexa's cheek. "Your dimples, when you smile."
Lexa couldn't help but smile under her wife's touch, her heart practically overwhelmed with all the love she was receiving.
"There." Clarke leaned over to kiss the dimple that had formed, making Lexa blush. Her eyes found Lexa's and she noticed the way they were glassy. She didn't mean to make Lexa so emotional, but if there were ever a time to gush to her wife about how much she adored her, their honeymoon was it. "And...I love the parts of you that even you don't love." Clarke murmured. "I love your temper, your competitiveness, your need to prove yourself. I know you can't change these things, and they make you...you." Clarke leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to Lexa's lips. "Alexandria Anastasia Griffin-Woods. I know we already took our vows, and I know I'm just repeating myself over and over again at this point. I love you, more than anything."
Lexa was already moved to the point where she was blinking away tears, shaking her head. "Do I get a turn, too?" She asked hoarsely, and Clarke nodded.
Lexa blew out a breath. "I guess I can just come out and say it now."
Clarke fixed her with a curious stare, and Lexa felt compelled to continue.
"I noticed you the minute I came into Crewe's class." Lexa brought her hand up to stroke Clarke's cheek. Eventually, she settled her palm against Clarke's face, watching her lean into the touch with no small amount of affection.
"I fell in love with you the minute you opened your mouth." Lexa continued, laughing gently at the memory. "So passionate, and fiery. And you looked me in the eyes and told me how wrong I was, about love."
Clarke stifled a laugh, and Lexa continued.
"And...I think this is obvious, but I'll tell you anyway. Ever since that moment, that connection we had...I've wanted this forever." Lexa confessed. "I would go back to my room, at Indra's, and daydream about you. Just...talking to you."
Clarke's eyes lit up with this new information.
"I thought you hated me, and I definitely knew you were out of my league." Lexa smirked.
At that, Clarke snorted. "Yeah, right."
"Seriously." Lexa nodded sagely. "You were brilliant, you had so many friends, everyone liked you. And you saw right through me." Lexa gave a half shrug, and Clarke gaped at the news. "And then, when your birthday came around, and you had that attack in the library..." Lexa frowned, as if the memory pained her. "I just wanted to hold you. I couldn't stop worrying about you the entire time. You were always so...comforting, to me. You made my heart race and yet somehow still made me feel safe, loved. From that point, I just wanted a place in your world. I didn't imagine you could love me...like this." Lexa smiled at that statement, clearly beyond blissful that Clarke felt the way she had. "And I feel so lucky that you're mine." Lexa added in a soft whisper. "You've been my girlfriend, my fiancee, my wife, and always my best friend. I didn't really have anyone outside of Linc, Anya and Aden." Lexa mused quietly. "It's always been you."
Clarke, fully moved by Lexa's little speech, found Lexa's gaze.
The love was practically radiating off them. The affection between them was almost palpable.
Clarke's eyes traced Lexa's lips. She moved in, brushing their noses together before giving Lexa another kiss, this time, a little less chaste.
Lexa was immediately responsive, threading her fingers through Clarke's hair as they kissed languidly.
They eventually pulled apart for air, and Clarke turned her head, glancing back at the view. She was craving her wife more than anything, but she had gone through all the trouble to find this location.
She could work with that.
"Baby." Clarke tapped her chest.
"Love?" Came Lexa's completely enamored response.
"Want to go on a hike?"

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