Bruce's daughter! Reader x Conner Kent

Start from the beginning

"Are you going to be okay after what happened?" He asked.

"If your worried, why don't ya escort me?" I asked smiling. He seemed surprised and looked at Tim, who then looked at me, who sighed.

"Well... it is safer that way.." he said and nodded. "Superboy, could you take her home?" Tim asked and he nodded.

Superboy walked towards me and I waved bye to Tim. The 2 of us began walking in silence. We got a few stares from the few people who were out, some people took pictures of us.

We passed by a pizza place, and I felt hungry. I stopped and Superboy stopped as well. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Want some pizza?" I asked.

"Pizza?" He looked up at the store.

"Sure." He said and we walked inside. I had Superboy find us a seat and I went to order a pizza.


I grabbed the finished pizza and went to my seat. I placed it down in between us. "Dig in." I said to him smiling.

He seemed a bit uncomfortable, but then took a slice of pizza and began eating. I smiled and heard my phone buzz. I looked at it seeing it was from dad, asking where I was. I took a picture of the pizza. In the picture, you could kind of see Superboy's shirt. I sent it to dad and put my phone down.


This ended up becoming a routine. I'd study at my friends coffee shop, and Superboy would come and walk me home, and we'd end up at some shop to eat. Whether it be a food truck, fast food or an actual restaurant.

This time, we were in line for some fried chicken. I found it curious how Superboy never seemed to have money, but being a vigilante isn't an hourly job...

We got our fried chicken and ate at a nearby park. We sat on a bench. I put my bag on the floor and sat back eating my chicken. I glanced at Superboy and noticed he was staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He answered and ate his chicken.

I smiled and saw some sauce on his lip. "Superboy-" I began.

"Conner..." he said and I looked at him curiously. "My names Conner." He said.

"Well, Conner, you have a bit of sauce on your lip." I said reaching up and wiping it off.

I then licked it off my finger, "oh, this is good. I should order this next time." I mumbled.

I bit into my fried drumstick and quickly regretted it since it was too hot. I began fanning my mouth, trying to cool down the chicken and chewing it at the same time, then quickly swallowing it.

"Well, what do we have here?" I looked up seeing it was Jason and he was with Starfire.

"Nothing." I answered.

"Aww come on." He smiled and sat next to me, and I scoot closer to Conner to make space for him.

"Let me have a bite." he said smiling at me.

"Buy your own creep." I said and he scoffed.

"Don't be so mean." he smiled and grabbed a piece of chicken.

"She said stop." Conner said grabbing Jason by the wrist. I looked at him surprised as did Star.

"Umm... Conner, it's okay." I said handing Jason my chicken and having him let go. "Really, it's okay." I reassured him.

Conner grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from them. I was confused, and I looked back and shrugged as they waved bye, eating my chicken.

When we were all the way on the opposite side of the park, Conner let me go. "Sorry." he said.

"No problem, but what was that back there?" I asked.

"He was bothering you, so I thought-" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry, thank you. That was nice of you." I said and looked at my watch, "Want to walk me home?" I asked and he nodded.


We stopped at the gate, and I stopped turning to him. "Thank you for bringing me home safely." I smiled at him.

"No problem." he said.

I was about to open the gates, when they opened automatically, and someone on a motorcycle came up beside us. Conner pulled me behind him. The guy pulled up his screen and it was Jason, He smiled at me, "Hey sis. Thanks for the chicken!" He said and rode inside.

I shook my head and looked at Conner. "Sorry about him." I said.

"He was your brother?" he asked and I nodded.

"He's usually out doing other stuff and rarely comes back to visit, but I guess somethings going on today." I said watching Jason use the side entrance into the Batcave.

"Well, I'll see you next week." Conner said.

"Yup." I smiled and quickly looked around and motioned for him to bend lower. He did and I quickly kissed his cheek. "Bye Conner." I smiled and went through the gates as they were closing and hurried inside the manor.


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