And so it comes to an end

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I almost feel guilty about ending it. But -despite the guilt- Thin Bones is complete. AHHHHHHHH. also lol sorry for the abrupt ending. 

This book has been unlike any other I have written or thought of writing. This book came from a personal drive to read and see more books about eating disorders. I wanted to see more books that didn't necessarily idolize mental illnesses (I truly beyond recognition hope that my book did not come off like that in any way although I bet it did because I suck at fulfilling my dreams but that's a book for another time.) As Tori Morrison once said, "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." And so I began to write.

I'm also a big sucker for troubled pasts and coming to terms with reality. 

This is the first book I put actual hours of research into, I have papers with notes I wanted to incorporate and not get wrong. And I fully acknowledge that I got things wrong. More than once in many different ways. I apologize profusely to anyone who has ever lived with an eating disorder or know someone who has because I know my story is not entirely accurate. 

I came in with the intention to speak my truth about my feeling and awareness around the shadowed community of eating disorders, I want people to know how important and how widespread this mental illness is. Eating disorders are the deadliest mental illnesses and have been for a while, they affect millions of people around the globe on a wide scale of symptoms and severity. Gaige's story is only one of the rare extream cases, in fact, his story originally was going to be much more subdue and hidden as is more common (In a sense don't quote me on that pls). 

On a lighter note, this is the first book I've had such active and amazing readers while I wrote and I am soooooooo incredibly thankful for every vote, read, comment. There are days I felt shitty about a chapter but everyone's involvement made me push through so I am incredibly thankful for all of you and everything you've done towards this book. It has made writing such an amazing experience and even more enjoyable and worth it. I hope you enjoyed this story. 

I'm not sure what all more I can say other than thank you so much for everything, please continue to educate yourself on problems like eating disorders and to value yourself because every one of you is worth it. 

 Feel free to share this story, check out my other books, and continue to support one another. 

Thank you for reading Thin Bones

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