Clancy X Crazy!Reader

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"(Y/N)! Get your ass over here! We got company!!" I heard daddy yell from the dining room.

"Yay! More friends!" I said, rushing into the dining room.

Stepping in front of the cuter of the two, I leaned my face into his and asked, "what's your name?"

"C-clancy," he replied, looking at me nervously.

"Awe! That's adorable!" I smiled at him then looked back at daddy, "can I keep him?"

"Alright. I get the other one," he answered, grabbing a knife from the kitchen.

I watched as he walked in front of Clancy and put the knife to his throat.

"You better stay a boy. I don't need you breakin' my little girl's heart!"

"What?" Clancy whispered.

Untying Clancy, I grabbed his arm and dragged him along.

"Come on! I'll show you my room!" I said, looking behind at him.

Turning back to face in front of me, I saw Lucas walking down the hallway.

"Is this our new boyfriend? He won't last!" Lucas said, laughing afterward.

"Leave us alone, Lucas!" I screamed at him, continuing to my room.


"Welcome to my room!" I said, pushing Clancy a little too hard into the room.

He nodded, looking around his eyes finally landed on me, "okay. It's nice. Now how do I escape?"

"You want to leave? Hahaha!! Of course, you can't be silly! You're mine forever,"  I said, pulling him into a hug.

"Now you've probably had a long day! Let's go to sleep!" I smiled at him and pulled him into my bed.


*Clancy's P.O.V.*

'She's asleep now. Now's my chance to leave,' I thought as I slowly wiggled my way out of her arms.

Successfully making my way out, I quickly and quietly made my way out of the room.

'Now how do I get out of here?' I asked myself.

Turning around a corner, I ran right into who I remember as Lucas.

"Are you trying to escape? I don't think (Y/N) would like that. Oh well! Time to have fun!" he said then hit me.

As I fall to the ground, I heard Lucas laugh and all I could see was his wicked grin.

'I'm going to die here.'


*(Y/N) P.O.V.*

When I woke up Clancy wasn't in bed with me.

'Maybe he just had to use the bathroom,' I tried to reason with myself.

Walking out of my room, I ran into my mother.

"Mommy, have you seen Clancy?" I asked, looking around.

"Lucas took him last night," she replied.

'WHAT?! NO HE'S MINE!!' I thought rushing to the kitchen to grab a knife, 'Lucas will pay.'


"Lucas! Where's Clancy?!" I yelled at him point int my knife to him.

"Well, hello, little sister! He can't come right now. He's playing a game," he replied, giving me a wicked grin.

"Well, he can't play games right now! He's supposed to be with me!"

"Fine," he said as he hit a button.

I watched on the screens in front of me as the contraption Clancy was hooked up to cut one of his fingers off.

"NO!!" I screamed, stabbing my knife right into Lucas's shoulder.

He groaned and fell to the floor as I ran to the room next door. Quickly getting Clancy untied I dragged him back to my room.


"It's okay. Everything is fine now. No one can hurt you," I whispered as I patched Clancy's hand up.

"Why are you helping me?" he asked.

"Because I love you and don't want to lose you."

"B-but what about my family back home?"

"You'll never see them again."


"Do you not want to be with me?"

"No. It's not that-"

"Well if I can't have you! No one can!!" I screamed, taking the glass from the counter and hit him over the head.

Watching him fall the only thing on my mind was, 'you'll learn to love me one day.'


I apologize for taking so long!! But being an adult SUCK! I have college to do and bills to pay. Which means I have to get another job.

So with that, I'm going to finish some of the requests I have then finish this book.

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