<3 Clancy <3

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Because everyone deserves some love on Valentines Day! Even if it's a fictional character! 

Sorry it's late! 

(Y/F/F) = Your favorite food 

(Y/F/M) = Your favorite movie


Happy Valentines Day!

It's Valentine's day and I have to work. Yeah, I get to work with my boyfriend, but still, I want to be home right now sleeping. Groaning I put my earbuds back in and continued my research. As I was typing away on my laptop Andre and Clancy walked in. 

"(Y/N) what are you doing here?" Clancy asked.

"Ask Peter!" I sassed. 

"Wait... he made you come in?" Andre asked. 

"Yes and right now I would like to either sleeping or having a romantic day with my boyfriend," I replied. 

Turning back to my research I didn't catch the blush on Clancy's checks. Hearing the door close behind me I shook my head. I just needed to finish this research then I can go home.


Sighing I finished printing the last paper and put it on top of the pile. Stapling the papers together I put them on Peters desk. Packing up my stuff I walked out to my car. On the drive home all I could think about was how much sleep I'm going to get. Parking my car in my driveway I saw Clancy's car on the curb. Shrugging I walked in set my keys on the table and continued to the living room. I didn't see Clancy sitting on the couch like usual. Taking a deep breath I smelt something good coming from the kitchen. Slowly making my way towards the kitchen I saw Clancy in front of the stove making something, but I couldn't see what it was. Coming up behind him I wrapped my arms around his waist. He jumped slightly until he realized it was just me.

"What are you making?" I asked poking my head over his shoulder.

"(Y/F/F). I remember you telling me how much you love it," he said turning around in my arms. 

I smiled up at him and pulled him into a kiss. He pulled away before we could get too into it and whispered, "if you don't want your food burnt then you need to wait." 

"You know the perfect things to whisper to a girl," I whispered back. I walked over to a kitchen stool and sat down. Now all I have to do is wait for my food. 


Setting my plate in the sink I quickly turned towards Clancy. I squinted my eyes at him and waited for him to say something. Instead of saying something he pointed towards the living room. Smirking at him I rushed towards the couch. 

"I get to choose the movie!" I yelled to Clancy. 

"What movie we watching?" he asked walking over to me. 


"I should have known."

Smiling to myself I snuggled myself into his side while the movie played on. I guess it was okay I had to work today. It ended up to be a good day. 

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