Lucas Baker

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Coulrophobia: Fear of Clowns


Of course, you had to have a fear of clowns and were dating Lucas. It really didn't help that he had his weird clown thing in the garage all the time. It just creeped me out every time I went in there.  So instead of walking inside, I ran.

"(Y/N) can you help me move some stuff out in the garage?" I heard Lucas yell from the kitchen.

"Um... yeah. We can do it right now," I hesitated before yelling back.

Standing up I walked into the garage and waited for Lucas. The clown was just sitting in the corner staring into my soul.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" Lucas asked causing me to jump.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. What do we need to move?" I quickly asked.

"To be honest with you I just wanted company while I moved stuff."

I smiled at him nodding and went to find a seat. And of course, the seat I found was behind my car. Causing the clown to have a weird, scary look through the car windows.

I'm guessing Lucas tried to talk to me because a tennis ball was thrown into my lap. Looking at him I waited for him to say something.

"Are you going to answer my question?" he asked.

"I'm sorry. What was your question?" I asked back.

"I asked what were you staring at."

"Um..." I hesitated to look back at the clown.

Lucas walked over to my side and looked in the same direction I was.

"Why are you staring at my clown?" he asked still looking at it.

"Why do you still have it?" I countered.

"I really don't know. I just thought it would make a good Halloween decoration. Do you not like it?"

"It's creepy."

He looked back at my face causing me to look at him. I could tell he was taking in my features and was thinking about it.

"Are you scared of clowns?" he asked.

"... yeah," I whispered and put my face on his stomach.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll just put it in the attic and I'll help you get over your fear one step at a time," he said as he put a supportive hand on my back, "does that sound good?"

"Yeah, but what steps are we taking?"

"Well, I was thinking nothing for today, but we could start with some movies with clowns in them. Then slowly work our way up to having you look at the clown."

I nodded standing up and allowing Lucas to lead me into the living room. We sat on the couch, and he just held me saying nothing.

"You don't have to be scared anymore. I'll help you get over your fears," Lucas whispered in my ear.

"I love you. Thank you," I whispered back.

"I love you too."


I hope you like it!

I'm trying to write more, but my job is having me work so much. Now I'm just tired all the time.

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