Cheater! Clancy X Reader

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Sighing I looked toward the clock on the wall.

"It's 11:30 pm already!" I said surprised.

I quickly saved my file and logged off my computer. I love editing video footage for the sewer gators, but it takes forever!

Grabbing everything I rushed out to my car and tried my best to get home fast. It was supposed to be one of the nights where Clancy and I would just chill and watch movies. But since it's so late, he might already be in bed. Smiling to myself I thought of all the fun times Clancy, and I have had together from the times that we stayed into the times we went out.

Clancy and I decided to have our very first movie night at my place. I quickly got some snacks from the store before rushing back home.

It was about 4:30 by the time I got home, and he was coming over at 5. I smiled seeing that I have time to take a shower and make sure I smell good.

Right as I finished getting dressed my doorbell rang, and I knew it was him. I scrambled to spray some perfume before I answered the door.

"I glad you could make it!" I said and pulled Clancy into a hug. 

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he whispered in my ear.

Pulling away from each other I smiled up at him and pulled him to the living room. We sat down on the couch and turned on Netflix.

"So what are we going to watch?" I asked turning to look at him.

"Do you want to watch trashy horror movies and criticize them the whole time?" he asked looking back at me.

I let out a small laugh as I continued down the road towards our place.

Parking next to Clancy's car I grabbed my stuff and made my way upstairs.

Unlocking the door I yelled out, "Clancy I'm home!"

I heard a feminine squeal come from the living room. Furrowing my eyebrows, I hoped and prayed that Clancy wasn't cheating on me.

Slowly making my way there I stopped when I saw Clancy and another woman hurrying to get their clothes on.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed at Clancy.

"(Y/N) it's not what it looks like," he blurted out.

"Oh really. It's not I come home and see my boyfriend of 2 years sleeping with some slut," I said sarcastically.

"(Y/N)..." he went to say something.

"Just don't Clancy. Just don't," I whispered and rushed out the door.

Getting in my car, I quickly drove away I don't know where or how far I'll go.


I had to stop before I drove into on coming traffic from all the crying. Getting out of the car I looked around where my body took me. And of course it had to be one of the places Clancy and I went to hang out.

"(Y/N) you said you like looking at the stars, so I found the perfect spot," Clancy whispered to me, and he parked the car.

He had blindfolded me before we even left my house. I heard him get out of the car and rushed to the passenger side. Opening the door, he gently grabbed my arm and pulled me out.

Taking a few steps in front of the car he took off my blindfold. I couldn't say anything at first because the stars were very beautiful.

"Clancy- I - This- This is amazing! Thank you!" I said jumping in his arms and pulling him into a hug.

I sniffled a little and wiped my tears away. I didn't want to about him anymore. I deserve happiness. I deserve to be loved and not be cheated on.

I shook my head got back in my car and started to drive again. I'm done with him and done with this whole town.


I'm sorry it's later than usual.

@booboo0123 I hope this is what you hoped for!!

And I hope all of you have a Happy Holidays!!!

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