Ethan Winters

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Acrophobia: Fear of Heights

I was going to do this for last Halloween or wait for this Halloween, but decided: why wait?! So here you go!


Ethan and I have had one of the most stressful two weeks all we wanted to do was relax. So when Ethan told me that the county fair was this weekend, I thought it would be a nice escape.

"Okay (Y/N) where do you want to go first?" Ethan asked walking up behind me.

"Um... how about we play some games?" I asked.

"Lead the way then!"


I was currently walking around with a couple of small plushies in my arms, while Ethan walked around with giant dragon plushie. He tried to win it for me first, but I stepped in and won it myself.

In the corner of my eye, I saw the Ferris Wheel. Shuddering I picked up my pace slightly trying to get somewhere fast. Before I could get far, Ethan grabbed my arm.

"Wait, why don't we go on the Ferris Wheel for our last ride," he suggested.

"...sure. Why not," I said trying not to look scared.

As Ethan walked us over to the line, I tried to take a few deep breaths. We got closer and closer to the front of the line. I started to panic a little bit. 

Sitting down I felt the cart swing a little which caused my heart to stop a little. Once Ethan sat next to me he put his arm around my shoulder.


I was closing my eyes the hold time. When we stopped, I opened my eyes and gasped. Of course, we had to be at the top right now. 

"Wow! The view up here is amazing isn't it?" Ethan asked beside me.

I could feel him moving around which caused me to tense up more.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" Ethan asked putting a hand onto my shoulder. 

"Y-yes," I whispered.

"Why are you closing- Are you afraid of heights?" he asked with concern in his voice.

"Maybe a little."

He didn't reply but pulled me into his chest. I slowly opened my eyes to look up at his face. He was already looking down at my face smiling at me. Seeing his smile made me forget about my fear and just stare at him in awe. He was so cute, and he was all mine!

"You're okay. I got you," he whispered down at me.

I smiled putting my head on his chest and looked forward with less fear.

"The view is beautiful," I whispered.

"Yeah, it is," Ethan whispered back which caused me to look up at him.

He was staring at me which caused me to blush.

"Stop. You're too nice to me,"  I said putting my face in his chest. 

"No. Wait. Come back. I want to enjoy my view more," he said laughing and kissed the top of my head afterward.

I smiled to myself as the Ferris Wheel started moving again. I knew Ethan would be there for me whenever I'm afraid and help me get over my fears.


I hope you guys like it!!!!

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