Little things you do that he loves...

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You mumble in your sleep. You could be talking about your day and the mean co-workers. To the dreams, you have about the monkeys chasing you. But the number one thing he loves it when you mumble how much you love him. In the morning he likes to tease you about it. 


When you have to stand on your tippy toes to grab something. He finds your shortness cute. Most times when you're trying to grab something off the shelf you yell for him.  After he helps you grab the thing you need he'd smirk at you, call you cute, and watch as you get all red.


You grab his hand whenever you're scared. It's either when you're out filming for sewer gators or watching a scary movie. Whenever you do, he takes a glance to you and smiles. It's the best feeling for him. To know that you'll go to him for reassurance and comfort. To know that you go to him to feel safe. 


He thinks it's cute when you get mad at a game. To be honest, you play games a lot. Like right after work you'll change into some sweatpants and a sweatshirt and play some video games. Most of the time Lucas will come home to you yelling at the TV. It could be about the character not moving in the right direction or your allies making a dumb desition. He just smirks while watching you in the doorway. I don't know why he thinks it's cute but he does. 


It's trash, but at least I posted. I hope you like it!

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