Chris Redfield and Ethan Winters

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Chris Redfield X Reader X Ethan Winters


Chris knew about Eveline but did nothing to stop her. He knew about someone going onto the Baker farm but did nothing to save them. Even though Chris is my superior, and I'm supposed to listen to him, I'm going to save that person no matter what he says.

After grabbing my tactical vest I made my way to the weapons room. As I was grabbing stuff, I might need I heard someone walk by the door then come back.

"(Y/N) what do you think you're doing?" I heard Chris ask behind me.

"I'm going to find whoever went there and I'm going to save them," I replied not looking at him.

"(Y/N), you know you can't. You could get fired."

"Yeah, and you're the one that's going to fire me."

"Are you seriously going to choose to save some random persons' life then keep your job?" He asked while grabbing my shoulder.

"Yes! You know I can't just sit here and let them die! So if I go save them and come back to no job so be it!" I screamed at him and tore myself from his grip.

As I walked out of the room, I missed the look of sadness come over Chris's face.


I just pulled up to the house, and I didn't see any vehicle outside which was odd. Walking up to the gate I watched as a man ran out of the main house.

"Hey!" I shouted at him.

He jumped and turned towards me. His eyes went wide and rushed over to me.

"Who are you?" he asked as I saw a hint of pink come to his cheeks.

"My name is (Y/N), and I'm here to get you out of here," I stated.

"I can't just leave Mia here. She-she's my wife," he hesitated to say the last sentence.

I sighed knowing I'm going to have to save them both. Climbing the gate quickly I avoided the sharp spikes. Once I got back on my feet, I looked toward the man.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Ethan," he answered.

"Next question, which why did your wife go?"


Walking out of the house after we killed Marguerite I turned back around to Ethan.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking at his face.

"What if we never find Mia?" he asked looking me in the eyes. What threw me off was I couldn't see any worry in his eyes or hear it in his voice.

"We'll find her. Now let's go put that lantern where it's supposed to go," I countered and continued forward.

He nodded and followed me to the other house. Since he was behind me I couldn't see the angry look on his face.


Putting the other lantern on the scale, we waited for the door to become unlocked. We put our guns up and walked into the room. My heart dropped when I saw a bunch of kids toys. Walking through the kid's room and the contaminated room we paused.

"You good?" I asked walking up behind Ethan.

"Yeah, but how did you know I was here?" he asked.

"I can't answer that," I said and continued into the next room.


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