When he's mad...

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I feel like Chris would ignore you if he were mad, but then again he could yell at you. Just depends on the situation.


You both just got back home from a job, and you had to flirt with a random guy just to get information. That didn't sit well with Chris.

"He was undressing you with his eyes, (Y/N)! And you did nothing to stop him!" He yelled slamming the door behind him.

"Well, if I told him 'stop I have a boyfriend' I wouldn't have gotten the information we needed!" I yelled back.

Instead of yelling back at me he rolled his eyes and started for our bedroom.

"Oh, now you're ignoring me? Usually, I get yelled at or ignored not both!"


He'd probably be harder to read when anger. It's probably just him having an angrier voice when talking, so you would have to talk with him. 


You have been home for an hour and decided to get dinner started before Ethan got home. Just as you were putting it into the oven, Ethan walked in.

"Ethan, I'm in the kitchen," I yelled out to him.

"You know you can't tell it's me so that you could have just given your location to a murderer," he monotoned replied as he walked into the kitchen. 

Normally he'd just reply with 'okay' and come into the kitchen.

"How was work?" he asked like he was being forced to.

"Good. How was your day?" I asked back.


"Don't give me that. I know you're mad at something."

"No, I'm not."

I gave him a look and he cracked.

"Okay, something happened at work, and I got mad," he replied putting his head in his hands.

"Then tell me. I'll listen," I whispered pulling him into a hug.


I feel like he'd ignore you, so he doesn't yell at you.


You had been looking for Clancy at work, so you could ask him for help on something. But every time you walk into a room he's either not there or is quickly leaving.

"Hey, is Clancy mad at me?" you asked Andre at his desk.

"I don't think so. He's at his desk. Just go ask him," he replied trying to stay focused on his computer screen.

Sighing you slowing made your way over to Clancy at his desk. You tapped his shoulder lightly to get his attention. He took off his headphones and turned around. When he looked at you, he tensed up.

"Clancy, are you mad at me?" you asked.

"Wh- No! I'm mad at someone else, and I just don't want to yell at you. So I tried to avoid you," he answered quickly.

"Oh... well, do you want to talk about why you're mad? Because I'll listen."

He sighed nodding and pulled me to his chest.

"You're too good for this world," he whispered in my ear causing me to laugh.


He'd probably be the one to be very sarcastic with you.


You had just gotten back from work and really just wanted to go to bed. As you walked in you expected Lucas to greet you from the living room, but he wasn't there.  Shrugging it off you walked towards your shared bedroom only to find Lucas lying on the bed facing away from you.

"Hey," you whispered as you walked around to his face.

Instead of getting an answer he turned the other way.

"Okay, what did I do?" you asked.

"I don't know what did you do?" he replied very sarcastically.

"Okay, you're being very sarcastic and well I don't want to deal with you right now."

"Oh! Look at you walking away again. Like you walked away this morning!" he yelled after you.

"I had to work," you whispered to yourself, "he's just being needy."


I'm pretty sure he gets mad at Peter a lot! So I feel like he would accidentally take that out on you.


You didn't have to go into work today because you had a doctor's appointment, so when Andre came home an slammed the door you jumped. 

"Hey honey, how was the office today?" you asked hoping you don't anger him more.

"I mean if you were there you would know," he snapped back at you as he set his keys on the end table.

"You know I had a doctor's appointment," you whispered back.

"Well is anything wrong with you?" he snapped his eyes to meet mine.


"Then you could have gone to work. We needed as much help as we could have gotten. Peter wanted the video down by today."

"Is this why you're mad at me? Because Peter was getting at you to finish the video?"

He sighed when I finally called him out. Putting his head in his hands, he ran his fingers through his hair out of stress. You got up walking over to him and leaned into his side.

"Maybe you should just relax on the couch. I'll go get you something to eat," you whispered in his ear as you started rubbing his lower back.

"You're to good to me," he whispered back.


I hope you all like it!!!!

I really hope I can post more! But with my work schedule and most school schedule, I might have to wait until June! So right now I'm going to post while I can!!!!

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