What you love about him...

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You love the way he never gives up. If it's for one of his missions or just making some IKEA furniture. He will stay until it gets done. No matter how much you beg and plead for him to do something else he won't. So after the first couple times of him not moving you learned to just bring him food and water once and a while.


How he helps people in need. It could be giving money to homeless people or helping an old lady cross the street. The number one thing you thought was so adorable was when he helped pay for some little kids drinks at a cafe. They were standing in line when Ethan heard they didn't have enough. So he pulled out his wallet and paid for them. You watched as they walked away with a smile on their faces. It was so adorable!


Love it when he interacts with his friends. The way all his stress leaves his face and he can't get the smile off his face. Andre puts so much stress on him for his job, so it's a nice change. (Sorry it's short)


When he works on a new project. He's focused on it all day and when night comes around he tells you all about it in bed. Even if you don't understand a word he's saying. It's just the happiness that's on his face. His smile reaches his eyes and there's a gleam of wonder in his eyes.  


I'm sorry if you don't like it!

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