Resident Evil 7 / Supernatural Crossover

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Crossover AU - Resident Evil 7/ Supernatural Crossover

I thought of this as I watched Supernatural Scoobynatural.


Summary: You're friends with the Winchesters and Castiel, and you all get transported into the world of Resident Evil 7. 

***Small spoilers from Supernatural***


Dean and Sam have been back from their hunt for about two hours now, and of course, Sam is doing some kind of research.  I was sitting across from him watching Netflix when Dean came back into the room.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" he asked.

"Research. You know it's the strangest thing. I-I can't find anything on a-a cursed object that actually physically attacks people," Sam replied.

"Dude, it's over. All right? Be like Elsa -- Let it go," Dean said with a smile on his face.

" "Be like Elsa"?"

"Ah? Right? Come here. I need to show you guys something. It's important. Come on," Dean said beckoning both of us to follow him.

We followed him into one of the spare rooms and waited for him to turn on the lights.

"Behold the Dean-cave or the Fortress of Dean-a-tude. Just -- still trying to figure that one out," Dean said happily, "We got foosball, we got jukebox --- all vinyl, obviously. Double La-Z-Boy recliners. Sorry, (Y/N) I couldn't find another one. And of course, the bar. Still a work in progress. It's gonna have a kegerator because... well, it's gonna. And finally... the pièce de rèsistance," Dean said showing us around the place.

"Okay, hold on, hold on. When did you have time to do all this?" Sam asked.

"When it's important, you make time, Sammy."

"Is that my Xbox?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yeah, why?" Dean replied looking at me.

"Because it's on dumbass."

Dean rolled his eyes and said, "Let's give this bad boy a test run, huh?"

As he turned the TV on is sparked purple before covering us in purple smoke.

When I was able to open my eyes again, I saw the Impala parked next to a white car. 

"Oh my god," I whispered to myself.

"Where are we?" Sam asked walking up next to me.

"In a video game," I replied looking up at him.


"I don't know the game was in my Xbox and it was on maybe."

"So what if it wasn't on?" Dean asked.

"I don't know maybe we would have gone into a TV show like Scooby-Doo," I said walking up to the Impala.

"Awe! Come on! I could have gotten with Daphnie!" Dean yelled.

"Well, it's not my fault you left my Xbox on!" I yelled back at him. 

Grabbing my backpack from the back seat, I went to the trunk.

"How is the car here?" Sam asked looking at me.

"I had the keys in my pocket?" Dean questioned.

"Good, now give them to me. I need to get in the trunk," I said.


"Why do we need all this? What kind of video game is this?" Sam asked.

"Um... a very fun video game," I stated starting my way through the woods.

Coming up to the main gate I took the bolt cutters out of my backpack and cut the chain.

"So what are you supposed to do now?" Dean asked taking out one of his guns.

I shrug and walking towards the trailer in the middle of the lawn. Opening the door, I heard someone jump and turn towards us. I saw Ethan standing next to the green cargo box.

"Woah. Hey. We're not going to hurt you. We're here to help you," I said quickly while putting my hands up.

"You/We are?" I heard Ethan, Dean, and Sam say at the same time.

Rolling my eye, I walked closer to Ethan and said, "now tell me what happened?"


"This is the type of games you play, (Y/N)?" Sam asked after he killed yet another molded creature.

"Yup! I've played this one a lot, so I know what goes down!" I yelled back at him.

 I heard Dean chuckle behind Sam and walked up next to me.

"So what else is here?" Dean asked walking next to me.

"Well... a lot of shit! So be prepared for anything," I replied walking back over to the trailer.

Opening the door, we came face-to-face with Castiel.

"Cas! What are you doing here?" Dean asked.

"I got back to the bunker and couldn't find you. When I went to look for you the TV started flashing purple before I got zapped into this place," he replied. 

"Do you know how to get us out of here?" Sam asked.

"I don't know," Cas turned towards him to say. 

I went to say something but stopped when I heard a creaking door open behind the trailer. Lifting my gun, I waited for something to come around the trailer. Seeing Ethan walk around it with a lantern in hand caused me to sigh.

"I got the lantern," he stated holding it up.

"Good / lantern?" Dean, Sam, and I said at the same time.


"Okay we've been here a while, and that question still stands: How'd we got here?" Sam asked from behind me.

"I don't know got me," I shrugged and continued walking.

We were in the barn that Lucas boobie trapped, but I know where every trap is. Shooting a trip wire bomb out I turned the corner and saw something new. It was a very dark, but somewhat glowing, creature that was hunched over.

"Um... (Y/N) is that supposed to be here?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. No. I don't know what that is," I replied taking small steps towards it.

When I stepped on a loose board, it creaked causing the thing to whip its head toward me. I saw a purple flash in its eyes before it flew through the wall.

"What the hell was that thing?" Ethan asked.

'I forget he was here,' I thought to myself.

"I think that was the thing that sent us here," I spoke turning towards the brothers.

"Wait. How?" Sam asked.

"I don't know how, but did you see the purple flash in its eyes. It's the same purple flash that we saw before we were transported here."

"Okay, so now what?" Dean asked getting slightly annoyed.

"We go find that thing and get out of here, duh!" I snapped back.

"Is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" Ethan asked.


There will be a part 2 at some point!! Hopefully soon!!!

I hope you all enjoy! I loved writing this one!

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